GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

مَا أَنفَقْتُم مِّن شَیْءٍ فَهُوَ یُخْلِفُهُ وَهُوَ خَیْرُ الرَّازِقِینَ

Global cabinet

Unfortunately, a look at the people proposed in some media shows that some people want to impose themselves on the cabinet. Or they are trying to test public opinion to return to the past. In this sense, one should be careful of reaction and not experience modern ignorance again. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says: Iran's cabinet is a global cabinet, which means that the whole world, even America, is waiting for a vote of confidence, for example, from the foreign minister. Europe is also looking for a smile in the hope of being saved from the sanctions crisis. While the whole world is not Europe and America. Only their one percent governments. It should be noted that Iran is a unique superpower. That is, from the very beginning of the revolution, Eqti occupied the espionage nest, that is, a piece of American soil. America has not yet been able to show the slightest reaction. Or in an imposed war where all the powers were behind Saddam. And they gave more than 40 trillion dollars in financial aid and weapons, then they had to execute him themselves, because Saddam tried to make up for his mistake by attacking Kuwait. and take revenge on the traitorous Arabs. Therefore, they saw that it is better to be killed. During the construction period, they acted with an all-out boycott. And they thought that our day is in their hands. But now they realized that they themselves were sanctioned. Because America had no market except Iran. Germany or France had no market except Iran. Therefore, all the years spent on marketing in Iran were added to the war expenses. Their economic failure increased where it led to economic crises. The reason was that Iran had bypassed the sanctions. Or he had produced everything himself with resistance economy. And those who hoped to sell their goods dozens of times by conspiracy to boycott and compensate the losses. They practically faced a stagnation of purchases, while Iranian products were a new brand for the world that was becoming widespread. Iranian oil was extracted at the cheapest price. Sometimes it does not cost more than four dollars per barrel. And Iran's hand was open to sell it at any price, sometimes it was given to resistance groups for free. Of course, this was apparent. And in practice, all countries depended on Iran. All of Iran's neighbors should enjoy free energy and free goods because production inflation in Iran could not be cured without free donations. For example, cars were given at half price to Iraq and Syria so that the warehouses would have space for new products. And instead of burning the chimneys of the refinery and causing air pollution, oil and gas was given to the neighbors and even Europe at a low price and for free. And if it wasn't for Iran's help, Russia would have raised the price of gas or cut it off. America has closed its oil wells because Iran gives free oil. But this issue was not understood by the boycotters. Because Iran has 9 times its population of rich underground resources, and whatever God gives, God will increase it. The new cabinet must be at the level of the empire and not compare itself with European and American countries. Due to poverty, debt and destitution, they are forced to raise prices, or not show mercy to the poor. and have so-called financial discipline. But Iran does not need financial discipline. God has said that whatever you forgive, He will replace it, so the Viking government in Europe and the Kukles Klan in America have no understanding of forgiveness at all. Because all these riches that they got were from piracy and unloading of Iranian ships. The cabinet should not be upset about giving and helping the neighbors and the poor people of the world. While all these that have been suggested are against forgiveness. And they say that we ourselves are more obligatory. But their pockets are so big that they steal all the resources and they say the treasury is empty. And I don't think that doctors agree with these narrow theories and thefts, it is generally suggested that it is better to use people who have no experience in the ministry because the harm caused by the lack of expertise is greater than the harm caused by lack of experience. Trust the youth and entrust the treasury to the most trustworthy people so that he can distribute it among the people, not himself and his relatives.

social media

Social media and social media!

Some people think mass media is for governments. And social media for people. While this is not the case and all the media, such as the army and artillery, are at the disposal of the president or the central government, because they need a lot of funding. which the private sector is unable to provide. Even if he gets an advertisement, he should get an advertisement from government agencies. On the other hand, it is harmful for governments. Just as it is forbidden for people to be armed in most countries, it is also forbidden to have media. Even if the appearance of the case belongs to the people, still it must accept the regulations and regulation of the government. Or take orders from another government. For example, if the hypocrites want to have social networks, they should get the office from the government of Tirana, the budget from Al Saud and the forces from the subversive unit, because there is a possibility of information being leaked, or users being naive. The fact that they advertise, social media such as Instagram, Telegram, etc. is a free flow of information so that the budgets are not specified. Once the budget is determined, the mission of the organization will be revealed and everyone will know that the freedom of information trick was just to deceive the public. For example, the International, which receives its funding from Al Saud, or the BBC, which receives its funding from MIC Six, or the Voice of America, which receives funding from the CIA, does not directly attack or defend its master. Let the theory of deception come true. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that according to a survey of users, 68,000 users use Instagram, 51% use Telegram, 38% use WhatsApp, and only 12% use Rubik's. And generating income from the Internet. While, all of these sell user information. Now they may sell to the government or foreign governments. Because it doesn't matter to them. In other words, they are the agents of collecting user information for governments. And therefore they are supported in terms of infrastructure and platforms. In order to organize social networks, there is no need to pressure users or set regulations and implement filtering. It is enough to clarify their budgetary origin. For example, since Saudi Arabia cut off its funding to the BBC, the Arabic BBC was also closed. Or when Israel failed to meet the Man-Veto budget, this network was also dissolved. You can even witness their change of direction following the change of financial sponsors. For example, Facebook, which merged, or Amazon, which became rich, changed their practices in world social movements. Therefore, it can be said very simply: all the important world media that receive funds from Al Saud, through Israel or the United States, cannot be guided. It is not possible for us to separate people from them by increasing media literacy.

Six month

Conference of Hosseini infants in the world

In all the countries of the world, a conference of young children is held and all of them will appear in the mosques and mosques of the world with their mothers on this coming Friday. The media does not have the capacity to cover it, and for example, radio and television can only show a few cities or a handful of countries. Therefore, all infants and especially their mothers should be a medium. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that when all the companions of Imam Hussein were martyred, he looked left and right and counted the names of some of them and asked where are you, my companions, suddenly the voice of a young child was raised, which means that I am still here. Imam Hussain (AS) took him by the hand and put on a white dress as a sign of peace and went in front of the enemy's army and shouted, "If you are my enemy, what is the sin of this child if you are thirsty? Come, take him and give him water." To his surprise, he saw that Harmela shot a three-branched arrow at the child's throat and killed him. Therefore, it is said that the youngest friend of Imam Hussain was also martyred to complete the collection of martyrs. And this conference, which the media is not able to cover the greatness of, will be held by the young hero child. If it is not in your area, start it

Iran is super power

In the path of developments towards the Islamic state

The foreign policy department should be the provider of Islamic honor and the power of the Iranian empire. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that the president should choose someone who will fulfill the right of Iran's unique and global empire, not even kneeling in front of the Sheikh of Kuwait or asking the second-ranked adviser of the US to bring him to power. He must know in his heart that Iran was, is, and will be a superpower. Accordingly, all the people of the world will be in Iran's bowl, and they will inherit the world cup from Jamshid. And Kus Ana will be right. Iran is not just a map of the English cat, it will not be a sign that Iran will become the soul of the world and the beating heart of the planet. This is the belief of the whole world and the foreign minister of Iran must pump credibility. When Iran seized the American embassy, ​​that is, a part of American soil, America could not do anything wrong and still cannot. Even when Mirza Shirazi turned his pen, England did not come down on its knees, Madras alone did not prevent the passing of the Russian capitulation law, now what should the foreign minister put a smile on the face of the possibility of new sanctions, was the promise sincere, was it a lie that they do not mention it and Rather, they know the will of America and Leyden. In foreign policy, God must be one and the nation and people must be one. Iran should be the middle nation for Kafe al-Nas. And no one should be left out and the human race should not see themselves lost.

Kill netan yahoo

Will Seyed Hasan remain alone again?

The concern of the change of policies from a president to doctors is not far from the mind. Europeans and Americans, the main supporters of Israel, have smiles on their faces, and they expect doctors to get more votes with the election of the minister. start And on the contrary, the Palestinians, Yemenis and Lebanon's Hizbullah were worried about whether Zur Agha would reach the doctor or not. Will the trip to Karbala prosper or the trip to Antalya? Will the failures of neither Gaza nor Lebanon happen again or not? Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that the general trend has been changing since these days, maybe it's not the will of the doctors or the leader of the revolution, but the era of Hizbollah's solitude has begun. But Seyyed Hasan should only experience independence in practice. Because he alone can plow Israel and plant Palestine instead. You should seize this opportunity and take Hashd al-Shaabi, Ansarullah, Hosseinyoun, Fatemiyoun, and Zainbiyoun under your wings. He should show that he has learned his lessons well, where when Mukhtar asked Muhammad Hanafia for Jihad permission, he said, "Whoever punishes Hussein's killers, we have our approval." And Imam Khamenei also said that whoever attacks Israel, everyone should help him.