GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Iran is super power

In the path of developments towards the Islamic state

The foreign policy department should be the provider of Islamic honor and the power of the Iranian empire. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that the president should choose someone who will fulfill the right of Iran's unique and global empire, not even kneeling in front of the Sheikh of Kuwait or asking the second-ranked adviser of the US to bring him to power. He must know in his heart that Iran was, is, and will be a superpower. Accordingly, all the people of the world will be in Iran's bowl, and they will inherit the world cup from Jamshid. And Kus Ana will be right. Iran is not just a map of the English cat, it will not be a sign that Iran will become the soul of the world and the beating heart of the planet. This is the belief of the whole world and the foreign minister of Iran must pump credibility. When Iran seized the American embassy, ​​that is, a part of American soil, America could not do anything wrong and still cannot. Even when Mirza Shirazi turned his pen, England did not come down on its knees, Madras alone did not prevent the passing of the Russian capitulation law, now what should the foreign minister put a smile on the face of the possibility of new sanctions, was the promise sincere, was it a lie that they do not mention it and Rather, they know the will of America and Leyden. In foreign policy, God must be one and the nation and people must be one. Iran should be the middle nation for Kafe al-Nas. And no one should be left out and the human race should not see themselves lost.

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