In its first deployment to the World Army Games, Basij won 16 colorful medals for the country, and the flag of the Islamic Republic was raised 16 times in Azerbaijan. Paying attention to this caused wrestlers from 28 provinces of the country to come to Tehran today and hold the highest competitions with 350 wrestlers, says Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate. Wrestling sport in the world has 4 main disadvantages. Firstly, it does not cover everyone, that is, there are no branches and no wrestling teams in the districts and villages and even in some cities and towns. While Basij has members in all the villages and cities of the world and has formed the core of resistance and studies in all sports fields. Now Basij is the movement of 99% in America, which includes the entire population, except for one percent of the ruling body, which must be destroyed. The campaign of the 99% movement, or the mobilization of the oppressed in America and Europe, should actually pursue three basic goals: first, to boycott the American elections, secondly, to assassinate three people, and thirdly, to transfer the presidency to an Iranian, to be both the Secretary General of the United Nations and the President of the Council Security should be Iranian so that the world can see peace and eliminate three people, Trump, Biden and Netanyahu. The second problem of the wrestling sport in the world is the mafia memberships of the wrestlers. That is, most of them are involved in drug gangs because of their physical strength, they are involved in the distribution of alcoholic beverages. Even many of them are the bodyguards of these three people to keep them alive. Therefore, Basij wrestlers are actually anti-narcotics and quit being members of corruption gangs. Most non-Basij wrestlers seek to escape from their country, to serve criminal gangs in other countries, but not to be caught. With these big incomes, they always claim that they don't have the budget to legally justify their membership in corruption and prostitution gangs. And to say that their stomachs were hungry that they had to turn to corruption and prostitution. While the sport of wrestling is a ritual sport, it means that the person who turns to this sport makes a moral commitment to use its techniques for his own benefit, or for the benefit of the oppressors. do not use Rather, help the oppressed. For example, if he sees some people oppressing people, he should stand against them. The leader of all of them is Hazrat Ali. The sport of wrestling is actually a practice of hand-to-hand combat. And this means that he uses the techniques he has learned, only in dealing with the enemy. And in front of his friends, he uses practice techniques. Like karate or other sports. So, people of the world, you must organize in the cores of resistance. The cores of resistance, which until now only did academic work, should gradually enter the world of sports, especially wrestling