GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Kill trump

Smart fire teams

The Trump debate should not take place today

They should be stationed individually on the entire route. Today, Trump is debating. This should not be done. You should be stationed all the way to and from him. Be aware of revenge battalions and fire teams. The Trump debate should not be started. All settle down on his way to and fro. Do not communicate with each other. Even if you are a solo player, it's primarily an attack with bare hands. that hit 9 points of Trump's body with his finger tip.; Make him understand.: The tip of the forehead of the two eyes. Under the throat, the umbilical cord, the softness of the chest.. if not, with punches and kicks. Be sure to wear boots for this. The second layer or cold weapon layer. If the empty hands can't do anything, it's the turn of the claw, box, scissors and card...machete and knife. It was not the turn of light weapons such as revolvers. Hexalul band. And there is Yuzi and .. But these do not diminish the snipers' duty. It should be known that Trump has faced several attacks so far. But he has not studied. He is dead and probably his replacement. But at the same time, it should be done so that something called the American election does not deceive the people. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that the elections are not free and only have two candidates. There is no election, it's ridiculous. And it should become a lesson of history.


Espionage and counter-espionage

All human beings; They are from the same parents. Therefore, dividing them into 222 countries with 222 armies and intelligence and security organizations was a mistake; that the United Nations has committed and must compensate for it. The first one was started by Truman and by formalizing the occupation of Israel. History shows that population distribution is due to its increase; Not enmity and war. Therefore, the Parthians went to Shiraz or the Medes to Hamadan of their own free will. Indo-European and Eurasia were all based on peace and friendship. But among these there were people who had a militant temperament like Iskandar; who attacked Shiraz and burned Persepolis. Or the Mongols who occupied Iran for 160 years. But these events were the exception and the rule of friendship and coexistence. That is, for almost 15 thousand years, the whole world was the same. And there was no such thing as a country. It was like that until a hundred years ago. The idea of ​​drawing borders and separating ethnic groups and languages ​​was created and implemented in the United Nations. And people to fight these separations; They established espionage. That is, despite the desire of governments; They continued to exchange information and coexistence. The reason for so much espionage was that; Painters! The United Nations drew the borders in the middle of the ethnic groups. Therefore, Kurdistan of Iran; It is divided in three other countries. As separatism increased; Naturally, espionage increased. Therefore, the United Nations is a subsidiary organization such as the NATO military pacts, Santo Vesito; or the Arab League, Europe and America made that; In fact, it was counter-espionage organizations and separatist incentives. and four new countries almost every year; They separated from Iran and declared independence. Because in the beginning, Dr. Hekmat Irani named the United Nations. To restore that former unity, but now it has become: the organization of warring states! Therefore, the only way is to destroy the United Nations and Israel. Until the nations under the Iranian flag again; be united. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says: Vote for me instead of advertising for Trump so that: world unity will be realized; and from Alireza Mahan Far and Shayan Karim Kashi Arani; I want them to consider this issue: and direct Star Ling correctly, instead of espionage and American separatism; To cause global unity under the name of ancient and proud Iran.



In Iran, due to the history of 15 thousand years of work and production; Almost their jobs and positions are determined before birth. Parents plan that; What to do with their child? And they put him on the same path. The issue of child labor, like all issues, is actually an employment exercise that proves this issue. But by cutting off this historical connection and making fun of it, the communists were able to write a labor law and introduce all Iranian people as unemployed. Recently, Ayatollah Jannati demanded to change the labor law. Because it is against the overemployment system in Iran. Overemployment means that every Iranian has more than one job. They called it art and did not consider it a job. Proletariat or worker according to them. It is manual work and a proletarian is someone who doesn't do anything during the day. He should sleep hungry at night. According to them, the salary should be obtained from the sweat of Jebin and the code of Yamin. Therefore, workers are only porters and workers. And the rest of the lampoon or bourgeois, for example, a writer. the teacher Rouhani and...everyone is considered a lampoon. because they feed on the interest and wages of the workers and; They do not play a role in the production and increase of wealth. Lenin got this theory from the dock workers. And with the help of these porters or ship dockers. He made the October Revolution and believed in the dictatorship of the proletariat. That is, the sovereignty of the dockers was over the teachers, writers and intellectuals. Their activity in Iran caused the concept of overemployment to form in Iran. It means every teacher, cleric, intellectual, doctor and engineer. Have a hand in agriculture and construction. And the working child should go to school. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that at present, all Iranians from childhood. They believe that they should experience several flames. Otherwise, they consider themselves unemployed, or others describe them as unemployed and lazy. For example, someone who has a lot of income in Bitcoin. According to the labor department, it is considered unemployed. Or in the stock market.


Islamic and non-Islamic physiology

I am proud of human creation. Those who say that we don't have Islamic and non-Islamic physiology, I'm sorry, they neither understand physiology nor Islam, even if they have the authority of Islam, they should know the basics of secular physiology. Eliminating God and negating His creation. They even consider some creatures to be incomplete or too many, and even body parts such as tailbone or appendix. They consider it useless. And they believe in random evolution. While Islamic physiology begins with Bismillah. The creation of man is not due to the evolution of monkeys. They say that it is a temporary creation. The design of his body took thousands of years, while they say that the monkey's tail fell and became an idiot. In Islam, there is no evolution at all because man is created in the best possible way, which the creator congratulated himself. Man has nearly two hundred bones and six hundred muscles and can be managed only by praying five times a day. The basis of worship is based on the physiological form of the body, so that a person does not harm the integrated system due to laziness. Long prostrations actually make up for the deficiency of the brain being higher than the heart. In-situ exercise like mustahab prayers and qadha. It prevents the expansion of the aortic valve. While all athletes stop exercising at the age of forty. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States of America, says that let's put aside the intellectual performance of the Middle Ages and eat with God. Women without hijab should know that if one strand of her beautiful hair falls into her food, she will throw away all the food

 Hazrat Ali (A.S.) says that whoever makes his stomach his god is worth the same as what comes out of his stomach

Welcome to israel

According to the detailed information of Vasile Y., there is no more news in Israel. All the officials of the Zionist regime have gone to the rat hole for fear of Iran's attack. Knesset army headquarters. The war cabinet and Majlis and Mossad site Dimona etc. Accurately identified and ballistic missiles and pinpoint targets of Iran and Yemen and the resistance of Iraq. And Hezbollah's ammonia bomb is zoomed and locked on them and ready to fire. And if they haven't been shot yet, because they are uninhabited. But I don't know why no one dares to enter the territory of Israel. Go to hell you cowards!! It seems that it is only the work of magic by the Israelis. which have been conquered by eyes and organs and they do not dare to step inside the soil, even though common sense says that they have retreated and evacuated all the borders up to seven kilometers, and there is no defense because they have moved everyone to Talaviu to The iron dome should be strengthened. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that. In the end, I will come alone with empty hands! And God willing, I will go as far as Talavi and declare the Islamic Republic of Palestine. You will see that nothing will happen. Israeli Shiites have announced their readiness. cooperate One of them is their continuous presence in the streets and they will not go to their homes until the fall of Israel. Second, they have no fear of war because they know that all Imam Khamenei's effort is not to harm the Israeli people in the slightest. Therefore, contrary to Netanyahu's rocket games. They are alive and active in the streets. A referendum will be used to determine the government, and the Shiites of Israel have the right to vote, and the transitional cabinet will consist only of Palestinian and Israeli prisoners. If the Arab and Jewish population were equal, the cabinet would be equally divided. And the president will be among them.