GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa


The end of Israel

 The end of Israel is the end of all occupations; And the death of warlords. The end of Israel is the beginning of friendship and empathy. The creation of Israel by Truman is a dark point in human history. With this approval, the United Nations became a supporter of the occupiers. and the world in the hands of the Zionists; It went towards destruction and genocide. Because the Zionists killed 8 billion non-Zionist people. They knew and wanted the mistake of God's creation: with war and artificial intelligence technology; to destroy them all so that only three million Zionists will swallow the world. But God did not want it and sent Khomeini on them. The Islamic Revolution was an earthquake that shook Tel Aviv. and God; Yemen, Hizbollah, Syria and Iraq were placed under their siege. That it will be implemented. But the Zionists did not stop the genocide. And God with a hypersonic missile; Punishment was sent down on them. and returned them to permanent wandering again; to give all their ashrafis; and buy a rat's nest and through the white and red palaces; Be neighbors with dirty rats. The support of the occupiers did not benefit anymore; And they abstained in the minority of the United Nations. Because the death of Israel is the end of American occupation of Indians. And Europe is over the blacks and the Arabs over the Ajam too.. because now the world without borders is on the way. A world led by the Prophet's son unit. All of them are from Sadat and are under the command of Sahib al-Zaman. Anti-revolutionaries and non-hijabs will have nothing to do but to grieve. who said cry a lot and be angry because of the victory of Islam and Muslims. Until now, there were Shiites who were crying. But after this turn, there are enemies of Ahl al-Bayt; Flibkova Kathira... Ahmed Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that; Everyone is sad about the growth of Islam; He will sink into the same crying and moaning more. And their laughter is dry.

Yemen is the

Yemen is the executive arm

United Nations General Assembly in New York; approved the end of Israel. But approval is not enough; But he must also implement it. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that; Yemen is the best choice to implement this resolution. Because Harris and Saudi Arabia absolutely want Israel to remain. Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah are also optimistic about these two; Doctors who want to meet with Biden; Lebanon's Hezbollah considers Saudi Arabia to be the custodian of the two holy places. He was wounded and understood their Zionist nature. Saudi Arabia and America were allies with Israel until their last breath; And they revealed and hid financial and military aid; to destroy Gaza and Palestine. Therefore, the Secretary General of the United Nations is invited to: If he also gives the approval to the Security Council; In it, he should mention that only Ansar Allah of Yemen, the Houthis, should be the executor, because they have the power to control America and Saudi Arabia. Currently, millions of Yemeni fighters; They are ready to be sent to Palestine. while Bin Salman has demanded a relationship with Israel; And he only apparently stipulated that Palestine be formed separately. Therefore, I also ask the Yemenis to send troops; Peacekeepers continue to enter Israel. To form Palestine from the sea to the river. From the river to the sea (Arabic: من النحر علی البحر) is a political slogan related to Palestinian nationalism. which refers to the geographical area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. In the colloquial language of Palestinians, it is sometimes called "from water to water" (Arabic: من المیة اللمیة). Therefore, Yemen should be careful until again; Israel did not remain. who wants to attack Gaza.

City of theatre

The theater is a tunnel of time

The new definition of actors and theater is to be a tunnel of time. It means that it separates a person from the everyday environment and to an environment that; The director decides. At the time of Sholokhov or Shakespeare... everything changes, even clothes and household items. It will be what the director wanted. For example, in reciting Ta'zieh, everyone goes to the year 61 Hijri. Therefore, the brain of the director should be read. He says his words in the theater. There are three forms of theater in Iran: therefore, it does not have a prominent brand or actor. The first group are medieval and therefore protest or Protestant theater. Like Shakespeare, they only accept it. And they consider progress and development as regression. The second group accepted progress, but before the Islamic revolution! And they consider progress after the Islamic revolution as regression. They are the opposition and they usually take the money of the Islamic revolution, but instead of thanking them, they curse and are almost aligned with the subversives. But the third group believes that theater; It has been established in Iran and its name is Ta'zieh Khoani or Black Game. Of course, the black game does not have a religious aspect; But reciting Ta'zieh is completely religious, especially around the same decade: 1 Muharram of 61 AH. Ahmad Mahini, a candidate for the presidency of the United States of America, says that: according to the history of the year of Ta'ziyya. A town should be established for that. Like a movie town. Or Hollywood. Because Hollywood was also religious, it means the staff of Moses, the holy wood. Of course, there is a better offer called Shahrak Edian. It means that only Karbala with the actual scale of 61 Hijri is not enough. Because almost all the buildings have been destroyed or changed. All of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem should be built in a 50-hectare area like the beginning of Islam.

Big Iran

Righteousness of the people of the world

Today, the world of 8 billion people are true believers of the Prophet of Islam and his Ahl al-Bayt, and the Arbaeen ceremony has awakened the world, but there are still people like Netanyahu and Trump who rebel against the greatness of Iran, of course, their necks will be crushed. Even if he is Polish, Netanyahu knows that the only place that helped the war-stricken and displaced Poles was in Iran. Doesn't he know this custom of eating salt and breaking the salt shaker? Is this a good punishment? Did England and Europe know anything but cannibalism and piracy? Qajar gave them oil so that they could become Great Britain, now it is right that they want to become rebels and blackmail Iran. America, which had nothing but Indians and civil war and became a superpower with the help of Iran's oil, now it is right for Trump to come and martyr Soleimani and not face punishment. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that. That is why Trump should be removed. And the election has lost its legitimacy despite such a criminal. He asked all Iranians in America to go on strike for one day so that they can be accounted for. But it is better that they support me so that the strength of Iranians in America is known. The whole world appreciates Iran. Two billion Chinese people live with the money of Iran's oil. Russia rebuilt itself with the money and gold of the people of Tabriz. Let's confirm the truth of the world. Confirm Weiran to the Empire. And don't get caught up in the division of the Caucasus or the expulsion of Afghans, building a wall, etc. The whole world belongs to Iran. And people like Netanyahu and Trump, if they don't stop their evil, they will soon blow their heads so that the world will be united in peace and tranquility.

Global unity

Fear of Great Iran

Enemies who used to fear Iran. Now they have entered the phase of fear of Iran. First of all, they want; Separate Russia and China from Iran! Some are stuck in the Caucasus! And they want to magnify the enmity and division between Iran and the Caucasus under the pretext of Zangzor. But more importantly, they want to separate Afghanistan from Iran. Afghans consider themselves Iranian; And the Taliban does not do anything without Iran's permission. All of Iran was built by Afghans, and all of Afghanistan has been modernized by Iran. But it is not known why they build walls; Are they the people of Gog and Magog? In all the historical works of Balkh and Merv. They were part of Iran, and now no one is against this issue. We must accept that Iran was a superpower; is and will be and paintings of Churchill and his mercenaries; It cannot take the world from Iran. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that; America and Europe should not separate from Iran. All officials of America and Europe; Except for Trump, they are Iranian. All the people of Israel except Netanyahu are Shiites; And they will stay in the streets until Netanyahu is overthrown.. If Netanyahu and Trump are assassinated; Conflict and war will disappear from the world and peace, friendship and unity will take its place. Even the doctor of Iran's president in Iraq suggested: Islamic countries should remove the borders! Like the European Union, which has Schengen.