GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Big Iran

Righteousness of the people of the world

Today, the world of 8 billion people are true believers of the Prophet of Islam and his Ahl al-Bayt, and the Arbaeen ceremony has awakened the world, but there are still people like Netanyahu and Trump who rebel against the greatness of Iran, of course, their necks will be crushed. Even if he is Polish, Netanyahu knows that the only place that helped the war-stricken and displaced Poles was in Iran. Doesn't he know this custom of eating salt and breaking the salt shaker? Is this a good punishment? Did England and Europe know anything but cannibalism and piracy? Qajar gave them oil so that they could become Great Britain, now it is right that they want to become rebels and blackmail Iran. America, which had nothing but Indians and civil war and became a superpower with the help of Iran's oil, now it is right for Trump to come and martyr Soleimani and not face punishment. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that. That is why Trump should be removed. And the election has lost its legitimacy despite such a criminal. He asked all Iranians in America to go on strike for one day so that they can be accounted for. But it is better that they support me so that the strength of Iranians in America is known. The whole world appreciates Iran. Two billion Chinese people live with the money of Iran's oil. Russia rebuilt itself with the money and gold of the people of Tabriz. Let's confirm the truth of the world. Confirm Weiran to the Empire. And don't get caught up in the division of the Caucasus or the expulsion of Afghans, building a wall, etc. The whole world belongs to Iran. And people like Netanyahu and Trump, if they don't stop their evil, they will soon blow their heads so that the world will be united in peace and tranquility.

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