GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Yemen is the

Yemen is the executive arm

United Nations General Assembly in New York; approved the end of Israel. But approval is not enough; But he must also implement it. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that; Yemen is the best choice to implement this resolution. Because Harris and Saudi Arabia absolutely want Israel to remain. Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah are also optimistic about these two; Doctors who want to meet with Biden; Lebanon's Hezbollah considers Saudi Arabia to be the custodian of the two holy places. He was wounded and understood their Zionist nature. Saudi Arabia and America were allies with Israel until their last breath; And they revealed and hid financial and military aid; to destroy Gaza and Palestine. Therefore, the Secretary General of the United Nations is invited to: If he also gives the approval to the Security Council; In it, he should mention that only Ansar Allah of Yemen, the Houthis, should be the executor, because they have the power to control America and Saudi Arabia. Currently, millions of Yemeni fighters; They are ready to be sent to Palestine. while Bin Salman has demanded a relationship with Israel; And he only apparently stipulated that Palestine be formed separately. Therefore, I also ask the Yemenis to send troops; Peacekeepers continue to enter Israel. To form Palestine from the sea to the river. From the river to the sea (Arabic: من النحر علی البحر) is a political slogan related to Palestinian nationalism. which refers to the geographical area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. In the colloquial language of Palestinians, it is sometimes called "from water to water" (Arabic: من المیة اللمیة). Therefore, Yemen should be careful until again; Israel did not remain. who wants to attack Gaza.

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