GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa


Espionage and counter-espionage

All human beings; They are from the same parents. Therefore, dividing them into 222 countries with 222 armies and intelligence and security organizations was a mistake; that the United Nations has committed and must compensate for it. The first one was started by Truman and by formalizing the occupation of Israel. History shows that population distribution is due to its increase; Not enmity and war. Therefore, the Parthians went to Shiraz or the Medes to Hamadan of their own free will. Indo-European and Eurasia were all based on peace and friendship. But among these there were people who had a militant temperament like Iskandar; who attacked Shiraz and burned Persepolis. Or the Mongols who occupied Iran for 160 years. But these events were the exception and the rule of friendship and coexistence. That is, for almost 15 thousand years, the whole world was the same. And there was no such thing as a country. It was like that until a hundred years ago. The idea of ​​drawing borders and separating ethnic groups and languages ​​was created and implemented in the United Nations. And people to fight these separations; They established espionage. That is, despite the desire of governments; They continued to exchange information and coexistence. The reason for so much espionage was that; Painters! The United Nations drew the borders in the middle of the ethnic groups. Therefore, Kurdistan of Iran; It is divided in three other countries. As separatism increased; Naturally, espionage increased. Therefore, the United Nations is a subsidiary organization such as the NATO military pacts, Santo Vesito; or the Arab League, Europe and America made that; In fact, it was counter-espionage organizations and separatist incentives. and four new countries almost every year; They separated from Iran and declared independence. Because in the beginning, Dr. Hekmat Irani named the United Nations. To restore that former unity, but now it has become: the organization of warring states! Therefore, the only way is to destroy the United Nations and Israel. Until the nations under the Iranian flag again; be united. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says: Vote for me instead of advertising for Trump so that: world unity will be realized; and from Alireza Mahan Far and Shayan Karim Kashi Arani; I want them to consider this issue: and direct Star Ling correctly, instead of espionage and American separatism; To cause global unity under the name of ancient and proud Iran.

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