GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa



In Iran, due to the history of 15 thousand years of work and production; Almost their jobs and positions are determined before birth. Parents plan that; What to do with their child? And they put him on the same path. The issue of child labor, like all issues, is actually an employment exercise that proves this issue. But by cutting off this historical connection and making fun of it, the communists were able to write a labor law and introduce all Iranian people as unemployed. Recently, Ayatollah Jannati demanded to change the labor law. Because it is against the overemployment system in Iran. Overemployment means that every Iranian has more than one job. They called it art and did not consider it a job. Proletariat or worker according to them. It is manual work and a proletarian is someone who doesn't do anything during the day. He should sleep hungry at night. According to them, the salary should be obtained from the sweat of Jebin and the code of Yamin. Therefore, workers are only porters and workers. And the rest of the lampoon or bourgeois, for example, a writer. the teacher Rouhani and...everyone is considered a lampoon. because they feed on the interest and wages of the workers and; They do not play a role in the production and increase of wealth. Lenin got this theory from the dock workers. And with the help of these porters or ship dockers. He made the October Revolution and believed in the dictatorship of the proletariat. That is, the sovereignty of the dockers was over the teachers, writers and intellectuals. Their activity in Iran caused the concept of overemployment to form in Iran. It means every teacher, cleric, intellectual, doctor and engineer. Have a hand in agriculture and construction. And the working child should go to school. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that at present, all Iranians from childhood. They believe that they should experience several flames. Otherwise, they consider themselves unemployed, or others describe them as unemployed and lazy. For example, someone who has a lot of income in Bitcoin. According to the labor department, it is considered unemployed. Or in the stock market.

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