Sadegh Hedayat acted skillfully and mercenarily in removing tradition and replacing it with modernity. And like Taghizadeh and Fathali and others, he questioned Akhundism! And he did everything that the Protestants did against the Catholics, and he presented an ugly image of Islam and polygamy and its other rules to the Iranians, so that the Iranians were disgusted with their history and culture and turned to the history and culture of Europe and the Renaissance. They became interested, they even accepted Islam from the point of view of orientalists, and still in our universities, only a part of Islam that has the name of orientalist is taught! Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that Iranians even know Persepolis, as the French professor said, and accept Cyrus as the Greek Xenophon, or international Zionism, while according to Allameh Tabatabai, Cyrus is the same Dhul-Qarnain is the prophet, or according to Raifipour, he is the same Prophet Abraham, according to me he is Prophet Sulaiman, the word Quraishi or Qureshi confirms Raifipour's theory, that is, the Prophet of Islam is a descendant of Cyrus, who is the same Prophet Abraham, who is in Babylon lived, but the existence of Cyrus's tomb, which is called King Suleiman, is my theory, however, in these years, we could not have an honest Islamic guide who interprets Akhundism correctly, even using this word is sinful, something that the enemy media! It is not a distortion of the news, but rather a reversal of its meaning, for example, the word government is used a lot, but they say it in a way that means: the biggest crime has happened, and the poet or artist of the government is the most criminal person on earth, we must rebuild Let's start from concepts and words, even repair Persepolis or Pasargad, and show the facts in it, in short, have a sincere Islamic guidance.
There is no war
Now there is no war anywhere in the world, even in Ukraine, the fronts are cold and silent, in Lebanon there is only the threat of war because the attacks end in half an hour at the most, what is in the minds is the third world war, and all this propaganda starts from Israel, so Iran wants to nip the war and war propaganda in the bud by destroying Israel. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that history has shown that if Iran ruled the whole world, no war would have happened. Wars are always started by outsiders or separatists. It has been known that before the world wars, Iran, India and Ottomans, although they were apparently separated, but the Persian language was their cultural heritage, the language of peace and friendship, Europe wanted to take a hat from this felt, so it started wars while Iran, India and the Ottomans were neutral, but the result of the First World War was the partition of the Ottoman Empire and the occupation of India, and the result of the Second World War was the partition of Iran and the occupation of China and its communistization, and the United States was able to turn the world into a century by detonating an atomic bomb in Japan. Panic and fear subsided, Iran still did not back down and wrote the United Nations Charter from Koresh and Golestan Saadi's charter, and until the time when Dr. Hekmat Irani became the head of UNESCO, there was no war, but the Marshall Plan and aid to European and Japanese war victims. to return to life, but American President Truman was unhappy with this situation, so he presented a resolution to the United Nations that Israel be established in front of Iran and that all Palestinians be killed and Jews take their place, and so the seed of war was planted. , and now the sperm is being suffocated, with it being suffocated, America will be divided, and the electoral system will be dissolved and the Trumps will return to the same cow farm.
By capturing the American embassy in 1981, Iran showed that the only way to fight against the treacherous enemy is to destroy the intelligence organization and spy equipment and people, because parliamentary immunity, like capitulation, is worthless, and has become a playground in the hands of politicians, in the recent attack Israel was also targeted by the Mossad center, because it was a source of hatred between people, according to the teachings, people should not backstab each other and flatter each other, they should not even spy on each other's lives, understanding this will create a global unified government. It will happen, that is, enmities will automatically disappear and will be replaced by friendships, and therefore the physical boundaries will disappear, and all 8 billion people will live together on the same earth, in fact, now the whole world is of one heart and one language. But it is difficult to understand, because minds are all thinking about war, those who have weapons are thinking of attack, those who do not have weapons are in fear of attack. But the reality is that the war is surrounded, and the world is in peace and tranquility, that is, there is war only in one place called Lebanon, but the minds imagine that there is a war in their home, the reality is that Iran is the superpower of the world and in Suffocating the seed of war, but it says imaginary ideas, because Iran does not use the right of a superpower to change the borders or invade, so it is not a superpower, according to the Israelis, if children and women are not killed in the war, it is not considered a war! Therefore, the attacks According to them, Iran is unimportant to war centers, while their own attack on hospitals and the killing of patients is considered a war honor. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that the Trumpists think they will win the election because he is a murderer. support, while 99% of the American people do not vote for Trump
Now, America, Europe, Israel, and Saudi Arabia no longer exist abroad, only their agents are trying to keep them alive in the virtual space, for example, Israel only has a war cabinet and thinks about war, which means that all their affairs are closed. And it is in the service of conflict with their own existence, their governance duties have been left to the people and everyone does anything except pay attention to the war, in America no one participates in the elections even with Elon Musk's money, and the people do everything except the issue of the elections. In Europe, people do not use government funds, and they always demonstrate for the Palestinians. The governments only think about Israel, because they see their existence in danger, there is an unwritten agreement in the whole world, that people have left the governments to their own devices, because there is nothing they can do, the governments of the world for survival They do not have any budget, but they are also in debt, that is, if there is a tax or in Ahmadi, they have to pay to the debt, for example, the US debt table shows 28 trillion dollars today, Europe, Canada, and Australia also have no shortage, so that people do not make demands. , they have left them to themselves, and therefore people are waiting for Iran's orders, if the leader of Iran asks them to help Palestine, they will come to the streets, therefore the world has become polarized, the governments with huge debts are eyeing the war with Israel, and the nation Face to face with the Iranian leader, Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that if the Iranian leader gives the order, the American people will vote for him, and Europe will join the resistance, and there will be no trace of governments left.
Vampire liberals
Liberalism, meaning the freedom of man from God's restraints and not being afraid of the eagle and God's punishment, came from the heart of Protestantism, that is, protest against religion. In fact, liberalism is an ideology against the Protestant worldview, that is, when it is asked if we should abandon religion. What do we turn to, liberalism is a substitute for religion, and it completes what the Roman emperor could not do, he said that the heavens belong to God, but the earth and its sovereignty belong to him, of course, liberalism is blind and limited and does not want all the earth or If he wants the whole earth, he wants it without humans, because he does not have the ability to manage the whole earth with all the creatures, so his bloodlust starts from here, because he does not have the power to feed the stomach of eight billion, he goes towards a way to reduce these eight billion and The poor should be removed, a prosperous but smaller society should be created, colonialism comes out of exactly this concept, that is, when we cannot feed the whole world, in order to feed the liberal societies, all the food and minerals of the poor must be looted so that they die and liberalism remains. The same idea of Zionism, which considers the rich Jews to be God's chosen, and the rest, even the poor Jews, must be destroyed, liberalism turns it into rich Christians, Christians who only go on Sundays to register themselves, and In the rest of the days, they are engaged in killing foreigners, either in the form of war or stealing and looting property and starving, the philosophy of the first and second world wars was the same, the world must become liberal or else it must die, the entry of Iran and the preparation of the United Nations charter prevented them. but this time naked Zionism was born, and American President Truman left the bloodshed to the Zionists, he said that Israel should be established and become official and kill 5 million Palestinians and instead 5 million Zionists come, and Imam Khomeini understood this, but Iranian liberals His plan was pushed back.