GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

U.S. have24t debts

Chapter 7 Foreign begging is prohibited

All the countries of the world owe us, and Iran has no debt, but it is difficult for many high-ranking officials, especially Mr. Abu Torabi, to understand this, and therefore they are always in favor of foreign investment, they never once question forty years of oil money. Why doesn't China give us, after this debt of 800 billion, they are begging to invest, for example, 5 billion dollars in Iran, first of all, they don't know that there are no foreign investors, they all owe us the money they owe. Investment offer, Pakistan owes 22 billion dollars for the gas pipeline, then instead of paying the debt, it sends terrorists so that we don't have the courage to withdraw our demand, America owes 28 trillion dollars, then sanctions us so that we cannot return the money. Europe owes more to Iran than the United States, when it says sign the FATF and I will pay you, Russia and the resistance line, who consider Iran's resources as their own, Iraq, which has so far paid one dollar of war damages. No, all the neighbors are smuggling from Iran so that they don't pay customs and taxes, then you humiliatingly ask them to come and invest, instead of taking a begging bowl, the economic deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should collar these thick necks. The fear of America's bullying considers their blackmail as an inalienable right, it does not embargo Israeli and American goods due to the fear of Israel's atomic bomb, and it does not even have the power to borrow money from Pakistan and Iraq, then it claims that Iran's currency is the weakest currency. There is the world, others introduce our money as their foreign exchange reserves, then they say that Iran has no foreign exchange reserves, the whole world needs Iran and is dependent on it, then Netanyahu and his internal mercenaries talk about Iran's economic collapse.

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