GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa


Wasteful research project in production is forbidden


Some people think that personal usury is forbidden, but there is no problem with a bank, if the production is added, they say that while the production in Iran is eight times the world average, and it has reached the limit of past saturation, electricity consumption in the country is eight times the world average. Then again, they say that it is not enough, while consumption should be reduced, not increased production. Allah forbid, this includes the producers. We have eight thousand licenses for the production of pasta, while the production of the same remains in the hands of the authority.

Field and theoretical research method

The hypothesis of production in Iran is eight times the world average, so more production leads to more consumption, which is extravagance, that is, electricity consumption in Iran is eight times the world, and this is extravagance and haram, and those who want more production are the guarantors.

The first chapter of greed and extravagance and ingratitude

Consumption is equal to or less than production, that is, something must be produced to be consumed, and because some production may be wasted, therefore, production is always greater than or equal to consumption, so if electricity consumption is eight times the world average, it means production is ten times the world average. It is wasted twice as much because there is a blackout, and we do not import electricity, it is all produced domestically, and since we also export, it is at least twelve times the world average, it is the same in every case, water, electricity, even Food and minerals, stone, soil, wood and etc., because the pattern of consumption is excessive, greedy and ungrateful, that is, people consume whatever is produced and then they say it is not enough, of course there are exceptions, but we proved it on average

The waste of resources is tenfold

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