GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

To all my dear students: all over the world

Increase your cohesion and: increase unity and harmony. So that the enemy will regret this crime he committed. And let him know that the global uprising of the oppressed is not based on a person, but Mr. Raisi himself had asked God to accept him as a sacrifice if the operation of the honest promise harms the people. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, while expressing his condolences, published an article in Mahin News and asked all the people of the world to curse the Zionists. Because they want to take advantage of the Iranian president's helicopter accident. And in these two days, they attacked Gaza more. And Rafah and Jabalia also saw new massacres. They created several holocausts for the Palestinians under the pretext of their imaginary holocaust. And they continue it today. And this only unity of most of the people of the world can be the answer to breaking the teeth to the crimes of the Zionists. More and more people should be present in the streets. And they should repeat all their slogans in Farsi. And by holding photos and placards: by Ahmad Mahini, show their unity. So that the helicopter accident of the president of Iran not only strengthens: serving the poor. But to block the way forever to: false holocausts. The joy of the Zionists from this incident shows that they were involved in this incident. All those who are happy about this tragic incident were involved in this incident. But if this connection becomes clear. And to find out that they really had a hand, one should read Fatiha Israel. Because this time the military target or the barracks will not be hit. Rather, the joint headquarters of the army, the government and cabinet, and the presidency of Israel will all turn into ashes. Therefore, fans, students, and young people of the world, please know: We currently consider it a natural accident due to the fog in the region. And we don't like to point fingers at anyone. So far, no one or group has taken responsibility for this work. If that's the case, the fans themselves have to respond to the cheerleaders. The strategy of this work can be as follows: First, they should be asked for an explanation: Why do they feel happy about a natural disaster? If they realized their mistake, and instead of rejoicing, they prayed for the person of Jahor President and Iran's Martyred Foreign Minister, then the matter is over. But if they insist, they should be invited to the demonstration. If they join the people and participate in the global anti-Israel demonstrations, it will be a sign of their goodwill. Otherwise, it is a sign of their stubbornness or enmity. Therefore, it has entered the third stage and: the demonstrations should be taken to their place. This means that the White House will become a hossenia or a place for the homeless to live. And the homeless live there permanently. Not that they are there only sometimes or symbolically. Israel's Knesset and Cabinet should also be given to the families of captives. They must occupy the Knesset forever. Not to be symbolic, just to take a souvenir photo. At this stage, there was no opposition to the presence of the families of Israeli prisoners in the Knesset. And they had constant demonstrations, the matter ends. But the resistance of the Israeli cabinet, or members of the American Congress, shows that: they have never thought about the people. Therefore, they should be overthrown. The overthrow of the political systems of the world has no alternative. It means that the palaces will be permanently given to the homeless. And poverty will be eradicated. Therefore, I ask all students to follow us on the Mahin News site, and follow the official news of Mahin Party from this site. And don't pay attention to what others say. Ahmad Mahini's electoral headquarters: They update this site every day. It should not be assumed that others have correctly understood this site. Rather, announcements and statements are issued daily on this site in Persian language: which of course can be translated into English, Arabic and French and up to 125 languages. And you can also translate the contents of hundreds of thousands of articles into your own language by using Google translation.