GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Trans-universal prophet

  The enemies of the Prophet are trying to bury the Prophet of Islam in Saudi Arabia! While the Prophet of Islam is not only universal, but also trans-universal. Because the Prophet of Islam was even before the birth of Adam. And it is familiar to all celestials. When he was born, the sky was sunny. And on the ground, the superpower of time was rubbed to the ground. Congress of Sassanid Imperial Palace (Tisphon) left Turkey. The Save Sea dried up, and the Zoroastrian fire temple went out. The Prophet of Islam went from Mecca to Jerusalem in one night! From there, at the speed of light, he went to the sky and returned. While time was zero for him. According to this, mercy is for the worlds. If it was only for the world, he would say world! But he said, ``Alamin.'' It means all the worlds. In many hadiths, it is stated that: The innocent are more famous in the heavens than on earth. One day Satan appeared in person and said: I love Hazrat Ali! He said why? He said: When I was worshiping God, one day, a very bright light passed over our heads quickly. I asked what this light is, and they said: It is the light of Hazrat Ali. Therefore, the transcendental means this. It is current in space and time. It means that all times and all places know the Prophet of Islam. (Artificial intelligence is also looking for the secret of this work) Bahira's amazement of the seal of prophecy happened in the Prophet's childhood. But the split of the moon happened at a time when people asked for a miracle. Therefore, with this view, all those who insult the Prophet, or consider him limited, are completely wrong. There are several categories of those who limit the Prophet: The first category is that they say: he is a madman, a poet or a sorcerer. The Qur'an gave them the answer: (He is a poet and a madman!) The second group said: He is not literate, therefore: he is quoting from Salman Farsi. That is, Alaki goes out of the house and returns and says: I have been revealed! Yazid recites his famous poem: There was no revelation and no prophet! But God has also answered them: He is a foreigner, but the Arabic Qur'an is eloquent. The third group are those who claim today: He belongs to 14 centuries ago. And: Today's issues have changed. Or they say: It is only related to Arabs. Both of these are wrong. Because before his death, the Prophet introduced Hazrat Ali as his successor. And then his children reached Imamate: up to 250 years. Because the people had reached maturity, the Imam disappeared until he appeared at the end of history. And in the meantime, Nawab and representatives have taken over the government. Now it is the duty of all the people of the world: from the beginning to the end! to know the prophet. and follow his words. And if someone says I did not know, it is not accepted from him. Today, I am writing this content in 22 languages so that it can be heard by everyone. And if there are places where it does not reach. It is your duty. Although it is also the duty of the people themselves. But first, God took a commitment from the scholars. Is. But the people are also responsible, each and every one of them: to search like Salman Farsi. He was three hundred years old! And it was all in travel and research. He had experienced the time of the Parthians and people before the Sassanids. He witnessed that the Sasanians burned all their previous books. He witnessed Sassanid kings inviting Zoroastrians to the court to counter Islam. And they asked them to prevent the influence of Islam. He saw that even they were in front of the call to prayer of the Muslims! They became ears for themselves. That is, they used to swing their hair up to their ears. And the Arabs called them Magis. But he left everything and went to Medina. and presented it to the Prophet of Islam. And he became so close that the Prophet said: (Salman is from the Ahl al-Bayt). And he called his fellow citizens Muslims! Therefore, the mission of the Prophet did not happen by Salman, but in the cave of Hara. Gabriel forced him to read (put a computer chip under his skin!) (Iqra and Rabak Al-Akram): Read Prophet. And he read. He read all the time. and announced the birth of the Qur'an. And the birthday of the Qur'an is celebrated on the same day.