GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Confiscation of Israeli property

All the goods and properties of the Zionist regime belong to the American people. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States of America, said: "An average of 40 billion dollars is paid annually by the United States for aid to Israel, which totals three trillion dollars in the last 75 years." Which of course is still going on. This amount is financed by people's taxes and corporate profits, both of which have gone out of the pockets of the American people. Because the people bought the Israeli goods, the people also paid the taxes. Therefore, every American owes 30 thousand dollars to Israel. And the presidents are responsible for all this. Therefore, they must pay the court or this money. For this reason, neither Trump nor Biden are suitable for the presidency of the United States. Because they sacrifice national interests to the Zionists. Of course, they underestimate the amount, for example, their think tank said: it received only 297 billion dollars from 1945 to 2023. In the analysis of this big figure that: one dollar is important for the American people, he says that he is in debt! Or is the biggest recipient of aid. But the fact is that America has become a colony of Israel. So far, no colonialist country has looted its colony like this. How much was the total plunder of India for England? Or how much France was able to colonize Algeria. America is worse! He spent 7 trillion dollars in Iraq and nearly 6 trillion dollars in Afghanistan. But he could not even rob his expenses. Therefore, the mismanagement of the Republican and Democratic parties should be made clear to everyone. who made America a Zionist colony during his rule, have transferred at least 297 billion dollars of American assets to Israel. Ahmad Mahini continued: It is for this purpose that: I refer directly to the people, and I have not participated in any of the offices of the American central government. Because my goal is the United States of America. Basically, the two parties left no patriotism for America. Everything is Israel. Because if there is patriotism, it should expose: the performance of these two parties. Not only did they establish this statelessness for America, but even for the whole world: they did this. They explained to them: the national interests of every country must be sacrificed to Israel. Now, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, according to the US, have strengthened Israel's logistics, and land and sea transit routes are at their disposal. For this reason, I ask all the people of the world: First, to identify and expose Israeli goods, or goods that go to Israel. In the second stage, do not wait for governments. Because the Arab governments have been condemned in the Qur'an as well (Arabs are the worst infidels and hypocrites), even the Turkish governments have been blamed (Atrakwa al-Trook even if they are abuk). And they called them Muslims, which means those who are against Israel. In fact, they have the honor of receiving the degree of Muslim (from the people of Salman). The rest are only certain. That is, they surrendered to the greatness of Islam. Therefore, anyone who considers himself a Muslim must harm the interests of Israel in the whole world. That is, after identifying the goods, take them for yourself. Because in the war of Gaza, any property of Israel is considered as booty, and only one fifth of it (khums) should be given to the religious guardian. Therefore, anyone in any corner of the world can identify Israel's property and assets. He can take 80% of it for himself. Failure to implement this law has caused poverty in the world. Because governments, especially the American government, by buying Israeli goods or transporting goods for Israel, took people's wealth out of their pockets and into Israel's pockets. The Turkish government must be destroyed, as well as the Saudi government. And all its properties should be divided among the people