Some think that courage is not necessary or is just a moral trait, while the cowardice and greed of the officials make them: pay everyone a bribe! And keep the nation hungry, we owe Pakistan twenty billion dollars for the gas pipeline, but we do not insist for fear of terrorist attacks! While if this money is injected into the budget, the poverty of the people will be eliminated, Afghanistan belongs entirely to Iran, but for fear of terrorist attacks by the Taliban! We even gave them Helmand, which if this water reaches Iran, the drought will be completely resolved, Sistan and Baluchestan will be saved from deprivation, Azerbaijan belongs entirely to Iran, but officials ignore it out of fear of the assassination of the Iranian president, so they will lose all the oil of the north, and if this money is spent in Iranian Azerbaijan, their deprivation will be eliminated, Iraq belongs to Iran, but out of fear of the assassinations of Kumulah, they do not even take the war damages and the money for the electricity export, which this money will save Iranian Kurdistan from poverty and deprivation, Saudi Arabia belongs entirely to Iran, but out of fear of the assassinations of Jaish al-Dalum and Tahrir al-Sham, they even provide their budget! That is, they take money from the pilgrims, give it to Saudi Arabia, and it invites Tahrir al-Sham and: presents it to everyone. The Emirates, Qatar and... have all been sheikhdoms of Iran, but now they are taking Iran's oil and gas, and making Iran second in gas and oil! The cowardly president says: America knows which of our ships has gone where, but we ourselves do not know. This idiot, a scoundrel and a scoundrel, does not know that America steals and takes it itself. Otherwise, if America and Canada are not owned by the donkey, then there is no point in stealing. The arrogant Zarif who grew up in America's lap, and is the main commander! He is looking for negotiations and joining Palermo. This traitorous enemy does not know that: this will also cost him his life. His words caused all of Hezbollah's checks to bounce, and this means Israel's permission to occupy Lebanon. Now he says that the assassination of Haniyeh, Nasrallah, Sinwar, and Raisi was not his doing! He even gives them a speech. Let's do the math, the whole world belongs to Iran, but the cowardly officials say to keep our hats on! Enough. All this is because of cowardice. Otherwise, we have proven that we are right about the three islands. Although China, Russia, and Syria, who we consider strategic partners, voted to divide them. The great loss of self-deprecation: We do not believe that Iran is a superpower, we have to pay others to support us, or not to harm us. Because we consider them to be a superior power, therefore China has taken 800 billion dollars of oil from Iran in these 50 years! And has not given a single rial, and has forged a foreign exchange reserve for itself, Russia has taken 500 billion dollars of oil for free, to support us, America has taken 23 trillion dollars from us, so as not to cause trouble, Europe has extorted one trillion dollars from Iran so that it does not accompany America, now if we count the blackmail of Pakistan, the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, etc., it is more than 900 trillion dollars! While Iran's budget deficit is not even one trillion dollars, why shouldn't Pakistan not pay Iran 20 billion dollars of gas extraction money, or China declare Iranian money as its foreign exchange reserve? Or Russia sometimes uses a horseshoe, sometimes a nail, to cover the oil wells it has connected to Iran, or Saudi Arabia pockets billions of dollars for the pilgrimage of pilgrims? Why should Afghanistan squeeze our throats for the water of Helmand, and Turkey and Azerbaijan have pieces of this country? And Iraq does not pay war reparations? It is all because we consider ourselves weak, and we are forced to pay ransom! Therefore, the cowardly statesmen must let go, and go because God has said (You are the knowledgeable ones, if you are believers), but they say that we should welcome negotiations with America with bad manners and condescension! And this is just during the revolution, before the revolution, when we had ten million deaths, and thousands of dollars in other losses: especially famine and disease, and the loss of our homeland.
Iran is a country with more than 15,000 years of international management and international relations, with the most underground and surface resources, transportation routes, and respectful neighbors. You should not despise Iran and make it dependent on Vikings or Caribbean pirates. If you do not know, know that Europe and Japan were destroyed in the First and Second World Wars, and only rubble and ruins remained with a number of war-torn and hungry people. It was Iran that rushed to help and revived Europe with financial assistance, buying export shares, and buying their goods. It is enough to know that the Shah's ultimatum before going to Europe was: If I go, you will only live for three months! This is the situation in Europe, which you consider a promised and wealthy paradise and your hopes. Their biggest debt began with the severance of relations with Iran. And they need you like the toll collectors of the highway sector. If you even want to serve Europe, you should understand their situation, not persist in your own illusions.. America is not in a better situation, it is the world's largest debtor, and its debts are increasing every day. What do you want from a debtor? The Los Angeles fire also plunged them into complete poverty to the point that they asked the Iranian Red Crescent for financial assistance. Believe me, they need help: "The essence that is not found in the creator / Since it could be the creator" Go and be ashamed and don't belittle America so much, and Iran is not to be despised, it will not be defiled by the mouth of a sea dog. Iran is a rich country and its people have so much that they spend seven times the average consumption of the world! The gas consumed in Iran is 15 times that of Japan. Don't you understand this? Electricity in Iran is produced ten times the world average, of which seven times is domestic consumption, and the rest is exported to 50 countries in the world. Now, oil, petrochemicals, gold, and mines aside! You say, like the BBC, that it is just a weak management, no sir, they mean to undermine the authority of the jurist and Islam, and with this logic they say that Islam has not been able to use resources properly! No, it is not like that, the Iranian economy is the highest economy in the world, it does not owe any country and is a creditor to everyone. China has stored 800 billion dollars of Iranian oil money in its treasury. All the neighbors buy from Iran at high prices, even if they cannot, they smuggle it. Why do you show Iran as a beggar of Afghanistan that needs the water of Helmand? The water consumption in Iran is three times the world average, which means that there is water, and there is three times as much. Only the enemies do not see. If you do not see, you are also an enemy and you should lose your grave. Because we do not need polytheists who abandon God with all their greatness and beg the Emirates.
Gaza is a country. In the United Nations, all members voted for the formation of a Palestinian state except for the United States and Israel, which both recognized Gaza as an independent state and a party to the agreement. Therefore, as Hamas has announced, even the self-governing organization has no right to interfere in Gaza's affairs, and Hamas' security forces, which should be recognized as the national army, will be deployed everywhere, like a new and revolutionary state, with Gaza as its capital. With control over Gaza, Hamas must form a transitional government and expand it to all Palestinian territories and prepare for elections, as was done in Syria.
All the people of the world should learn a lesson: If they are too hostile to Iran, divine punishment will destroy all their wealth at once and: like America, it will show them hell in this world, now even though the Queen of England is dead; but all the lands are still in her name!! Even in Canada and Australia, no one owns the land, people should not be afraid of the dead and rise up and liberate the lands: and take them for themselves, all of Europe should believe in Islam or else, Armageddon will burn them all too, proxy cinema has shown them all before, even Hollywood did not believe in its own stories, it was destroyed!! Of course, the people of Iran should also learn because they were supposed to be punished by us, (they should be punished too) but when Mr. Zarif and the National Accord Congress, and the re-planning of negotiations and friendship with the great devil, or Qalibaf, out of fear of a few dead bodies, did not announce the law of God, so God himself took action! And make the wind the agent of carrying the fire, perhaps if the method of appeasement continues, other places will catch fire as well. Since the wind and fire are agents of God, of course some may want to make it seem like a simple incident, so that it is forgotten like other divine punishments, but the two million people who were scattered, and the 600,000 people who were burned, will not forget this, and a shame will remain for the enemies of God, that it will be proven that some people have the same lock on their hearts, and they see and hear nothing but negotiation (Allah's finality is upon their hearts, their hearing, and their sight, and they will have a severe punishment).
All the people of the world should learn a lesson
If they are too hostile to Iran, divine punishment will destroy all their wealth at once and: like America, it will show them hell in this world, now even though the Queen. England is dead; but all the lands are still in her name!! Even in Canada and Australia, no one owns the land, people should not be afraid of the dead and rise up and liberate the lands: and take them for themselves, all of Europe should believe in Islam or else, Armageddon will burn them all too, proxy cinema has shown them all before, even Hollywood did not believe in its own stories, it was destroyed