GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Gaza State

Currently, according to global statistics, there are only six nuclear-armed countries: Hamas (Gaza), Islamic Jihad (West Bank), Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), Houthis, Hezbollah, and Fatemiyoun. The rest of the countries do not have nuclear bombs, especially the US and Europe, which Dr. Chamran disabled in the nuclear weapons ban. The other countries are also history, meaning their performance or in fact their passwords have been forgotten. Of course, no matter how much the IAEA tried to steal its updated knowledge and provide it to Europe and America, it failed. Now that the JCPOA has ended, it has completely given up. For this reason, instead of accusing Iran of going nuclear, they have raised the issue of sending nuclear weapons, and the West has claimed that Iran itself does not have and will not build nuclear bombs, but has transferred them to six countries, and therefore has asked Iran to stop sending weapons. This is an illusion that the West is caught up in, thinking that only Iran has access to nuclear weapons, and they have even said that it is 45 minutes away from producing nuclear weapons, but Iran There is no need for nuclear weapons, as the president said, if Israel targets a hundred nuclear centers in Iran, our youth can produce a thousand nuclear centers, but Yemen or Gaza need them and that is why they have built them. We may say that Iran has exported nuclear knowledge to these countries, but this is also wrong, because Iran is full of Israeli spies. If that were the case, it would have eliminated those scientists as well. Rather, they themselves had them. It can even be claimed that Martyr Chamran first trained nuclear scientists in Lebanon and Palestine, and then when he came to Iran, he could not transfer them to Iran due to the opposition of the spies. The Martyrs of Tehran had no choice but to go to Syria and Lebanon to see about missile knowledge. Of course, NASA thinks that these bombs are stored in space and has named them asteroids, and it is possible that they landed in America and on Trump's head.

Killing trump and netanyaho and abbass

The middle of Sha'ban is the birthday of the savior of the world. The 313-member battalions must be formed as soon as possible so that this great birthday celebration is recorded in Guinness. Each country must form at least two battalions, one in the capital of that country and one in the largest or second city, because usually in each country one city is introduced as the capital, but the larger or older city is the one that is not taken into account. For example, New York and Washington in the United States, Tehran and Tabriz in Iran, Baghdad and Karbala in Iraq, Kabul and Herat in Afghanistan. In terms of duty, this is also a minimum requirement. One is to help the president of the country and the other is for the prime minister or the like, because everyone must seek to establish an Islamic government, because it is necessary to help the Imam of the Time and even celebrate, an essay with the principles and beliefs of this great man. The superpower or Akbar is the real power and everyone has a place in his organization. If everyone agrees, the Islamic government can be like Iran, the Islamic Republic, but in other places, the Islamic government must first be formed to make the people happy. Of course, there is air pollution. For example, in Iran, many believe that celebrating should be accompanied by prostitution. Otherwise, it is not considered a celebration or joy, so they do not consider the celebrations of the decade of Fajr and the days of Shabaniyah and Nowruz as joy and they say that the Iranian nation is sad. In Gaza and Hebron, in order for the people not to experience the joy of victory, Mahmoud Abbas has cut off the rights of the families of the martyrs, or Trump and Netanyahu want to bomb Iran, so the task of the 3131-man battalions is different for each country. In Israel, America, Palestine and Saudi Arabia, their task is to execute the revolutionary Trump, Netanyahu, Mahmoud Abbas and Bin Salman, but in other countries it is to hold a birthday party so that the world's largest birthday party can be recorded by lighting the streets and creating carnivals of joy, even if Guinness is absent, or there are other obstacles that must be removed.

Kill netanyaho and trump

The meeting between Trump and Netanyahu in Washington showed that they have not only not learned their lesson, but are again seeking to create terror in the world, spread the shadow of war, and destroy the ceasefire. Since they are people who have not stopped committing crimes and continue to pose security threats and bombard the Israelis, no matter how much they are sentenced to death, in order to carry out their death sentence, it is necessary to have 313-man squads in these three locations in full readiness. One should be formed and deployed around the White House to assassinate Trump again, another in Tel Aviv to assassinate Netanyahu, and a third in Jerusalem to assassinate Mahmoud Abbas. Of course, shadow squads should also be formed in New York, the West Bank, and Gaza to provide the necessary information and carry out the necessary intelligence work. The shadow squads can use military personnel as needed, that is, use the security team of Trump, Netanyahu, and Abbas to learn the routes and plans. In each of these squads, the execution squad must be at the forefront of operations, armed and equipped with information. Precisely, it seems that the battalion active in Riyadh can provide all the information, because the protection budget of all three is provided from Riyadh, so the protection plans are first sent to Riyadh to provide the budget, after completing the information, action must be taken quickly, so that the world does not face war again.

Other earn

The first task of the 313-man squad is to assassinate Trump and Netanyahu, because until now it was thought that they had stopped committing crimes and had chosen the path of ceasefire, but the meeting between the two proved that they do not adhere to any law and are determined to destroy the human race, and of course they have chosen different names. Netanyahu says to evacuate Gaza, and Trump says to expel immigrants and opponents, but in essence their plan is to destroy all humans by their own hands so that only their own cronies can own the world. Trump wants to gamble with everyone and win everyone, and if he loses, he will destroy his opponent. And Netanyahu, who is himself a Polish POW who has taken refuge in Iran, instead of saying thank you, bites Iran's hand, which is why he is afraid of a nuclear Iran, and the Quran says that you do whatever it takes to make the enemy afraid, and therefore Iran must become nuclear to scare the enemies of God. Netanyahu said that if God is with the Iranians, we will defeat them, which means he has openly declared war on God, and Trump, who has accepted him, means he has accepted all his beliefs. He has accepted it, and has eliminated all international laws and the decisions of the righteous courts, and has laughed at justice and the law. Imam Khomeini said that anyone who opposes the law is a dictator, and Trump, in addition to strengthening Israel, has also contacted some of his friends in Iran to stand against the Hijab Law and the Iranian Constitution and call on the people to revolt. Therefore, the crime of those two instigators and their public execution is the duty of all 313-man battalions.

If usa not theif not

Theft, embezzlement, and bribery are all for the purpose of going to America and presenting money to Trump. So if there is no Trump, it is not theft. They have long said, first dig a well, then steal a minaret. So if there is no well, theft is useless because there is nowhere to hide the money and it will be exposed quickly. In other words, if there is no donkey's money, it is not theft. Because the thief needs the money, and if no one buys from him, it means he has done nothing. The same is true of antiques. If there is no customer and no big money, what will anyone do with the antique? There is no food to eat or clothes to wear. So all this corruption, bribery, theft, and embezzlement in Iran. It all originates from America. That is, the pirates of the Caribbean have become the pirates of the Persian Gulf yesterday, and some people work for them inside the country. For example, the East, who stole three trillion riyals in a suitcase or a suitcase that he did not put in a suitcase, switched to America, and I heard that he himself They didn't give anything and he had to flee to Canada. That's why I see Iran performing miracles like Imamzadeh and people buying its water and soil at high prices. There are so many of these antiquities that they are not paid attention to in Iran, but the wall stones of the ruins of Persepolis are sold for tens of billions at auctions. The existence of Imamzadehs has made people have a bad habit!! They compare the officials with them, they say that the Imamzadehs who are not alive work for us and fulfill our needs, but what did the officials who have a thousand meters of tongue do for us!! You witness the offerings every day in the Imamzadehs, they say that we asked for something and got it, now we are fulfilling our vow, but the officials did nothing wrong. Omar, as he himself said, converted the world to Islam with the sword, but the Prophet converted everyone to Islam with miracles, financial assistance and morals.
