GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa


People of America, winter is near and there are floods, earthquakes, storms and tornadoes, so that they don't come and destroy your houses, think about winter, the best way is to loot the central treasury! And then the treasuries of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, and then the looting of banks and stores, because they all belong to you, but they have been taken from you by the fat and powerful, especially these days, the treasury is full of money: Elan Musk also said that whoever votes will give him money, that is, he himself admitted that: all votes can be bought, and no one is ready to vote, the coffers of Elon Musk, Bill Gates and a hundred other capitalists should be emptied as soon as possible. Kurds, they are playing games now, so that later they will not make people broke, and take their properties and houses, Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that they are thieves with lights, and in broad daylight with formulas Accountants steal people's money, and with the help of lawyers they kill protestors, or take their lives, now that your life is going to be taken, so it is better for others to be relieved of their hands, there is a lifetime where they will oppress you. But you are quiet, today is your turn!! Hazrat Ali (A.S.) said, "I have not seen wealth accumulated anywhere, while there are not many hungry people and prisons for the poor, do not be afraid, all your property is yours. The Qur'an also says (Allah does not change our people unless He changes them), meaning people change themselves until they change. Don't give them, no one will change for them, it is also in Farsi, no one will bite my back, except my fingernail, so stand up: expel all the governments. And form a committee for yourself, so that this damn election does not take place, because they will cover their pockets again.

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