Rebellion of American soldiers
America's bases where weapons are sold to Netanyahu, for example, the Ain al-Assad base, which is nothing more than a ruin, is now filled with weapons so that its employees can receive back wages through retail sales, or the Iron Dome has been moved to the Kurdistan region of Iraq to be used in to be placed under the authority of Israel. But all this was useless, because the Zionist regime had no money. When this regime's lack of money was revealed, America and Saudi Arabia challenged each other and sent messages to Iran. It is not Israel, and Israel's operation was on its own, and it will no longer allow it to attack Iran. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that all the bases of the United States inside and outside collapsed, because the United States hoped to turn them into a place for the retail sale of weapons to the region, to make money for themselves, but the weapons were sent. But Israel considered everything for nothing, now America does not even have organizational weapons and all military posts have revolted, but the media does not reflect it, more than half of the American army officers were executed, but the media propagates it as suicide and depression.