GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa


The processions in Karbala and Mashhad collect everything before the end of the night of Safar and consider it the end of mourning, while Imam Sadiq said, Yafarhun bafarhana means be happy in our joys, so the first task of the processions and delegations is to remove the blackness and It should be replaced by joy, syrup, sweets, reading the birth of a child, and spreading Walimah. The month of Rabi al-Awwal is the month of joy, and according to some narrations, it is a day of joy and happiness, and one of the most important nights called Laila Al-Mubit. Each Walima procession should have a son-in-law in charge of the intention of Hazrat Zahra, and if it wasn't for the dinner of Imam Reza's guests, there would have been celebrations everywhere, especially since the Prophet said that whoever announces the end of the month of Safar will have something to do, the mother's processions should always be present because the most important They are the factor of controlling food poverty and malnutrition. People can give the charity of their dead to the poor in this way. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that we have at least 14 days of the birth of the innocent. On Friday nights, the prayer of Kamil, Friday morning, the prayer of Nadba, on Tuesdays, we have prayers for tavasl and thousands of births, deaths, and days of Allah, which can be turned into 360 programs, and the city squares offer processions. Because just as an Olympian does not go to sleep the day after the Olympics, this will continue like day and night for the next Olympics

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