GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Imam Ali

Poor and worthless economists; They left him aside, so the whole world is filled with inflation, poverty, deprivation and dissatisfaction. Instead of establishing welfare organization and thousands of other charities; That Doni's bread is a bunch of useless pride! And they take 90% of the receipts themselves. proceeded to divide the treasury equally: and after six months of government; There were no beggars and people did not know to whom to pay their zakat; Now the Relief Committee of the Welfare Organization of the Ministry of Labor, Pension Funds, Stock Exchange and Bank; They are the beggars of Samaria if they are dissolved and their funds are distributed among those who seek help in the form of subsidies; They themselves know what to do and they don't rely on the government: while the Prophet started his work with world trade, Imam Ali drew water from the ground and there is prosperity from that direction. Ali monitored the market daily; And he would not leave it to the bribe taker. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that Ali knew that God's treasure is in the mountains: he hid it so that it would remain for the people: and the treasure is in the mountains. In the mountains, you can do without materials; The main difference between Imam Ali's economy was the construction of the town and the stone towers. with others in the amount of profit withdrawal. First, Imam Ali likes zero profit, that is, sacrifice, for example, he builds a well and as soon as the water starts flowing; He asked for a paper and gave it to the public. Therefore, large state factories and companies that use God's free resources of oil, gas, petrochemicals, copper, iron, and steel mining. They should dedicate it to society. Not to take a thousand percent profit for themselves and take advantage of the urgency and need of the people. But he used to pay ten percent for living. But there is more than ten percent profit for western economies which; Sometimes they have demanded up to 99% profit. We have read in the American economy that, for example, jeans are only half of the price of cotton or sewing wages. The rest is commercial profit, or in Russia and China it is only ten percent of wages and raw materials. The rest is the share of the party, that is, the ones who get their hands, the others reject

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