GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Fire team

Build a fire team

Divine management of human beings. There is linear management, which means all humans. They are governed by God directly and without intermediaries. There is a hadith of Qudsi that I love my servant so much that I don't have another servant. But my servant is so careless that he seems to have another god. Therefore, 8 billion people in the current population have a direct relationship with God. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that. Calling up the security forces of the Israeli army. It is a reaction to the call of cleaning battalions and caution. Hence the new call. The fire team is smaller than the platoon. Because two squads form one group. Therefore, the 8 billion militia is invited. Individually or with the family. Form a fire team. In terms of the security of any member. He should not know about others. And his only connection is with God if he is arrested. Do not disclose information during interrogation. Like the one who made Trump understand. He prepared weapons alone and acted alone. Of course, it was rumored that Trump just scratched his ear. But this old man died from the fear of further assassinations. Therefore, in terms of equipment and dispatch to penetrate into Israel. It has two modes, or it is possible to buy weapons and tickets. In the second case, the person must take the weapon away from the enemy. Therefore, 4 billion one-man armed teams may appear at the borders. The rest should be advertised on the team's place. and provide promotional support, morale-boosting and epic reading to the fire teams. or identify and destroy the enemies of Gaza in their place. so that the enemy has no media.

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