GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Infelonce to Israel

cores of resistance

Imam Khomeini said that the nuclei of resistance in the world should be formed, and now we will tell you how to get inspiration from the holy number seven, of course, you can use the number five or any other number, because God said in the Qur'an to rise in two or one person. The person is important, not the number, so even one person can start an uprising, but it is better to start with seven people, and this means forming a core of resistance. He went to libraries or the Internet and translated it into the local language with the help of a translation tool. After the collective study, the nucleus of resistance has been formed, and you have a nucleus of resistance in every village, city and locality, according to the order of Imam Khomeini. If this is done in Israel, it will be much better because these groups can meet each other and overthrow Netanyahu's government and create a people's government consisting of Jews, Shiites and Christians. The Saudis who want to destroy Hamas will be destroyed. Ahmad Mahini, the American presidential candidate, also wants the American people to form their resistance cells as soon as possible, especially in American universities, and to establish a permanent headquarters in the university. Of course, the main goal of resistance cells is to attract Sending troops to penetrate into Israel

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