Management risk management
Unlike Western schools, risk management in Islam is to expand its scope. The end of Western capitalism is bank interest without risk. It means that anyone who wants to have a risk-free investment puts their money in the bank and is risk-free! benefits If it is a little risky, it goes to the stock market: the profit of every company is equal to its risk field, that is, the more profit you want, the more risky you should invest in bonds. Bitcoin or pyramid companies show high profits to cover their high risk. But in Islam, risk is the basis of life because everything is fifty-fifty. Like two sides of the same coin, if it is not fake, each side has a 50% chance of coming. Good and evil, light, darkness, night and day, human imaginations are half price. In the Qur'an, risk is called fear and hope. For example, when Moses came to a prophet whose fear and hope were equal! For this reason, they say that God has spread His secrets among all creations, so that achieving them requires attention to all creations. For example, Raisi had two ideas when he hit the hearts of the crowd: either the people's problems will be solved or he himself will disappear! In this way, every common dream shows its scope of risk. Every act, thought and deed of a person is the same. Q: Is helping people good or bad? Some people say it is good! But some say it is begging. So it is not clear that our actions and news will give the same result that we expect. That's why alpha and beta are wrongly defined in risk! For example, a teacher who is strict has unruly students. But due to this strictness, many students avoid lessons or fail on the spot. On the contrary, a teacher who is easy-going accepts everyone, but it is clear that the student's academic base will be weaker for the next years and we will see the growing number of unemployed graduates. Therefore, there is risk in all human actions. Risk management in Islam is relying on God/that is, directing the plan towards God. Whatever God says, God will correct it if there are any side effects! Therefore, you can see that his performance is more significant than the performance of any other government. Because its risk index is coordinated with God's index: for example, God says: Do not give your property to rulers! Vala is covered by this. Like the banks that close the treasury and take people's money as much as they can under the pretext of savings, profit and reward. Therefore, in this election and all elections, we have seen that all popular letters are only asking for money. And this shows that chauvinistic thoughts have caused wealth to accumulate in the hands of the government or some rich people. And people have been left without money and defenseless.