GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

بسیج هشت میلیارد ی

Where were the bells?

Noah had four sons. While she was sitting in the ship, a wind blew and lifted her skirt. The sons saw the scene, one of them mocked the father, the other turned away. The third is Nishchhandzdz. The fourth one is also sorry. Noah was upset, he turned to her and said: Why did you do this? Black wind on you. But he said to Sam: You were a polite boy, God bless you. It was that the children of this Barzangi were forced to come to the plains of Iran from Nojjad Shedakh. And their center became the current Zangan or Zanjan. But the passage of time and large population made the second group called the Caspians to come. They sent the ringers further back. Therefore, Siahchustan was pushed to the south of the Gulf and Africa. And the Caspians called their center Qazvin. They called all of Iran Qazvin Plain, and the sea Qazvin Sea. Until the profit group separated! They were Russians and white and of Sami descent and declared themselves Aryans. And three thousand years ago he entered the Qazvin plain and changed the name of the sea to Caspian. And they pushed the Caspians back to the current Europe. 0

Basij was 8 billion Shiites

When all perished and even Noah's ark was about to perish. Noah repented. He said, God, I was wrong! God told him that you must become a Shia to be saved! He said how? He ordered Jibreel to bring a tablet to him: he had written the names of 5 people on that tablet! It was the handwriting of Hazrat Ali. And Noah was able to read it. And God swore to these five people. Until he was saved: When he read Elijah, Shebar, and Shabir, his heart trembled and he asked God: Whose name was this last one that I cherished? He said that he is Imam Hussain and he sacrifices everything in my path and he becomes a martyr, and they cut off his head and take his family into captivity. Yes, he was the first to praise God and the first to weep was Hazrat Nuh. It was that they were all saved and went down to Barkoh Jodi. The waters receded. And life began with the name of God and the memory of Hussein

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When was Basij 8 billion founded?

According to the statements of Imam Khomeini, the Basij book was signed by all prophets and elders. It means that Basij has existed since the first day. Noah was a Basij. He resisted for 900 years. But when he got little results, he asked God to destroy all the infidels who did not join Basij. It is mentioned in the Qur'an that Noah prayed: O God, do not leave any disbelievers on earth because they disbelieve like goats. Therefore, God sent a storm and drowned everyone. And great cities with all their technologies went under water. Noah saw that even his son was drowning. His heart trembled and he said: He is my child, don't drown him! And God was angry! Noah was not upset because so many people died, but his heart burned for his son, even though he was an unbeliever. God was so upset that he cursed Noah! Because Noah's wife was not obedient to her husband. D: 0

Mobilization of 8 billion

Today, with the global marches against Gaza, it is clear that the 8 billion mobilization has been formed for years and it needed to emerge. Now Basij Parish has managed to get everyone to work. Or the Basj of London has made an uproar. Basij is active in Washington and New York and everywhere in the world. It has branches in small cities and almost all people in the world are members of it. Of course, some people do the opposite. And they read against the so-called. But there is nothing in their hearts.: 0


Mahin Empire means: The people of Iran are all united

That is, from the beginning of creation, they were both Shiites and empires.

Another reason is the celebration of Nowruz

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