GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Killed Trump

The difference between Trump's assassination and Martyr Haniyeh is that believers accept death and life after death, so they consider being killed or martyred as God's honor. Therefore, when Ismail Haniyeh was martyred, the whole world understood and public mourning was announced for him. The same is the case with the martyred president or Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani. There is no difference between nationality or religion. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that the blood of all nations is the same because they are all created from the same parents.. If Haniyeh's body is taken to Iraq or Syria, he will be welcomed. But there are hypocrites. Even though Trump was killed, they deny it. Similarly, when Masoud Rajavi died, it is not known where they buried him, maybe Maryam Rajavi was thrown into the river like Massoud. They don't even have a bloodthirsty or pilgrim, which means no one cares about them. All the evildoers of history were like that and people were happy about them. Like Trump, he was killed in the recent assassination and now he is like him and he can't do well. This is the difference between infidels and believers. If believers are assassinated, all people will go to his funeral and it will not be hidden, but infidels even bury them secretly, or like Rajavi, where Masoud and Maryam both died and were buried together, but prophets and divine saints are possible in life. They have difficulties, but they become more popular after death


Warning to the parliament

Does he know that the promises of election candidates directly target the independence of the legislative branch and demand a parliament that is fully subordinate to the president. The parliament should be alert, or change the laws and duties of the president, or explain to him, he can only pass a bill and wait for the action of the parliament. While the idea of ​​candidates as the second person of the country is higher than the leadership and parliament. In his introductory speech, the speaker of the parliament should explain this issue, i.e. the independence of powers. He should remind the legal duties of the presidency and prevent illegal illusions. Ahmad Mahini, a candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that the perception of the duties of the presidency is generally in accordance with the laws of the United States. There, the president is the first person of the country, and there is no such thing as a leader, and everything is under his responsibility. This interpretation of the law of another country is a disease that has turned the majority of the Iranian president into an anti-revolutionist, like Khatami, who did not even participate in the inauguration ceremony. Or the president-elect was also unhappy with it and his wrinkled face showed it. He turned this meeting into recitation of Nahj al-Balagheh so that the main topic would be forgotten, and he considered it a formality with his body language. Of course, it is not against him because this wrong perception has been institutionalized and except for the village of Shahid Rajaei and Raisi, they have not had a correct perception. Rajaei was the only one who admitted that he is an imitator of Imam Khomeini and Ibrahim Raisi also considered himself a subordinate of Rehbar. If the rest said anything, it was a compliment and they often expected the leader to imitate them. Because in their own opinion, they had the huge support of the nation. The Speaker of the Parliament should make these matters clear


Do not read the verses of Jihad for cowards
Dr. Velayati doesn't like war at all because of ironing his clothes. According to him, khaki clothes are hypocrisy. Everyone who wears jackets or cheap clothes should learn to be neat and classy like him. And maybe he was the first person to separate the field and diplomacy. Ahmed Metouslian and Musa Sadr are considered to be his masterpieces. The latter expressed their gratitude and said: If there was no agreement, there would be a war. And this is the ultimate humiliation and diplomacy of begging us to vote for the JCPOA out of fear of war. And let's take refuge in the dragon from the poisonous snake. So where and when should the verses of Jihad be recited? They convince themselves to ignore the verses of Jihad because they look everywhere and write about anything. In the old days, they read only half of religion! There are ten branches of religion, but they only accepted 5. Even many of the treatises of the mujtahids were empty of the other 5: there was no mention of Jihad, nor of Tuli and Tabari, nor of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil. Even if it was for taqiyyah, they should have said it somewhere else. The result is delaying the destruction of Israel and America. Now the people of Gaza, Rafah, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, etc. are all ready for jihad and martyrdom, but they are talking about ceasefire, peace and compromise! Yemen wants to get rid of Al-Saud's corruption, they won't do it. Lebanon wants to complete Israel's work, they will not let it. Just like in Ghali's time, Malik Ashtar is two steps away from Muawiya and turns him back. Because they are afraid of war. Their eyes widen with fear. They empty the mold and surrender to all the meanings. Hazrat Ali (PBUH) said, "Don't take advice from a coward." Now see how those who take advice from him are. Because these are like men, but they are not men! In the JCPOA, there are 12 items against national interests, if there was a war, they could not take even one of them. Our people, like the Imam of the Ummah, believe that America can do no wrong, but they feel that there is only one option on the table.

Dr. Aref

National or transnational government

The national government is for the time when there was a Tawaifi monarchy, and each party has its own part of the country, and the possibility of failure and the country's division is given. As during the time of Mossadegh, there were the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan and the Democratic Party of Kurdistan. But in the Islamic revolution, especially during the period of imposed war, the theory of nationalism was destroyed and the separatists were left behind. Therefore, reviving the era of Mossadegh, or inciting ethnic groups, is a 70-year reaction, that is, it takes us backwards. Today, one should think about the global cabinet and the single Iranian empire. Dr. Aref remembers well that in 1964, Iranian companies, including Payam Gostar, announced their readiness to manufacture cell phones. But what happened, that today one of the officials says that the production of mobile phones by Iran is a joke? If they remember, the foreign company told Payam Gostar. I produce but I brand you, you don't bother to reinvent the wheel!.. This is a sign of the wide interaction of the world with Iran, which even the Americans said; You stand with your hands on your chest and just give orders! Therefore, the cabinet should have an approach or view of global interaction, abandon the false slogan: neither Gaza, nor Lebanon, sacrifice my life for Iran. Also, from the position of commanding narrative and dignity, not humiliating and begging. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says: "Quds is the standard of this universalism." Because Imam Khomeini defined the ultimate goal of the Islamic Republic as the liberation of Jerusalem. And Martyr Metossilian, the commander, also said that our mission is not over until we beat the flag of Islam on all horizons. Now the whole world is watching the Iranian cabinet. As they counted seconds to elect the president. Today, Iran has a social responsibility, and it should look around. Don't be like imperialist companies that only care about personal interests and destroy the environment. Iran's cabinet should be global and equal to La Liga!!!


Change and change

Change is an existential matter, and does not include wajib al-jood. So Wajib al-Wujud is constant, and all changes are measured to him. For this reason, you should not expect everything to change. For example, a person who listens to Mehsti's music ten times a day, for him this is fixed, and if he changes it, he will be in trouble. For example, the human heart should beat 60 times per minute. This is fixed for him. Change in it means the death of man. That is, if one day he decides not to work, that day is the end of his life. So sometimes change means death. Death of ideology or death of school or civilization, city, person, etc. A wrist or wall clock works like a regular clock, but if it doesn't work, it means it's broken. If the changes at the level of the society have reached a fixed point, it has the same state. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says: We have two types of change and two types of stability. Permanent constant and temporary constant or superstructure and substructure changes. For example, in Islam, the principles of religion are fixed and among the certainties. And undeniable. Change in it becomes heresy. It has been said that Muhammad is halal, halal until the Day of Resurrection! It means that what is halal in Islam is halal until the Day of Judgment. And haram is also haram, now if someone says hijab is not wajib, then he has committed bid'ah, not that he has made a change. Pork is forever impure and forbidden to eat. If someone assumes that it is halal, for any reason, he has actually spoken against Islam, and because it is a necessity of religion, he has denied it. And if he changes a few other rulings in this way, he becomes a natural apostate and should be executed. Because it will continue to do so. Pigeon meat is very tasty and the most halal meat on earth, hunting is the same, now if the environmental organization or any other person and organization considers it haram. And if he says that people should not go hunting and kill pigeons (for example, if he says that we don't like it), he has committed heresy. And if he is not satisfied with solid reasons, he is also a natural apostate. Mention of the change in the initial statement of the doctors, at the time of implementation, should not mislead anyone. The principles of the constitution, policies and high-handed documents, none of them can be changed. And the president is responsible for implementing them, not changing them. Of course, it is not fixed, but for its changes, its own solutions must be followed. Marashi and those like him who think that doctors have come to deliver the principle of velayat al-faqih to them are delusional and know that they are wrong.