GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

What happened in the underworld

God's initial call was announced. All humans came from all over the world. Everyone sat somewhere and waited for God's journey. God entered with glory and power, everyone stood up, and God began to speak: O people, know that I have made you the best of my creations. I created you in the best form, and I want to make you my caliph on earth to settle the earth as you wish. I want to give you strength and creativity. I want you to be so great and powerful that you subjugate the whole world and use the heavens to repair whatever little or deficiency you see. You can grow to the point of: entering my throne: and being by my side. And in God's will, enjoy all the blessings. I want to give you the power to make whatever you want happen. And create any food you want (Lahm Tiramma Yashtoun) and create any happiness and vitality. But you should not hurt each other, or take the place of a single-minded person. Or destroy each other. You must not even disobey my command. If you turn away from me one bit, I will leave you to yourself. And I will not be with you anymore. If you obey someone else or: invite people to obey you, in order to get rid of me, I will remove you from me. Maybe you will suffer eternal damnation. Or be a piece of wood or stone for hell. Then God turned to everyone and said: If I do these things, do you promise not to abuse your power? Don't you fight against each other? And do you consider me as your Lord? And will you still stand by your promise? All of us, the people, did not know from head to toe that God is among us and speaks to us. We were so intoxicated by the attraction of God's presence that we could not see anything but God and: we were still drinking sweet syrup from his words. God, who saw so much passion and desire, said: I was a hidden treasure, and you recognized me, but I want you to promise: will you remain with this passion and recognition?   For a moment, we came out of excitement, what was this question that God is asking? Is our power a gift other than God? Are we other than God? No no! We never disobey God's command! We were in such a state of excitement that a call came twice: Are you ready to go? Yes, we all said yes. There was no human being who had an intention other than God (human beings are born by nature), it was impossible to imagine such a thing. Therefore, God released everyone and said: Go to the earth and be born from the mother one after the other. And begin your era of glory and power! First, I will give you two commands: to execute all your commands with interest (mother and father), then I will give you intelligence and ears. But all semi-active! Over time, you should activate your intelligence, ears and eyes to reach 100% from the initial 50%. At first you don't see anything, after your eyelids open, you start seeing, hearing and tasting. At the age of puberty, your everything reaches 50% material. And at the age of 40, your mind is complete. Go see what you do! God's passion for human creation was indescribable. When he looked at his height, he congratulated himself again: (Fatbarak Allah Ahsan al-Khalqeen!) and then gave a second call, all the non-humans gathered! It was a big conference. Everyone was waiting for God, they saw with their own eyes that: God came and said, do you know? I want to introduce you to a creature called Adam, who is the highest of creations. All creatures were jealous! They said you want to repeat the mistake again and create someone to kill your own kind (Yasfak al-Dama) and God created philosophy in the defense session: He explained the end and purpose of human existence. But one person was not convinced! I am better than Adam. He created logic! It was that he did not prostrate to Adam. And Adam was captured by him! And for a moment, he forgot God. And God saw that Adam did not have the right determination (lam najd la azma), so he sent him down (tham reddanah asfal al-saflin) and took all the possibilities from him. Unless a person is warned, repents to find the right decision. And if he finds the right determination and defeats Satan, it is the moment of his death (martyrdom). And God buys him again! It gives him better things. until he finds a place in his pleasure.

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