Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, asked all the students of the independent states of the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia, even China, Japan and India, to say anti-Israeli slogans in Farsi as much as possible. Farsi is the language of the revolution so that factions, dual parties and reactionary Arabs cannot confiscate it. It is a language that was able to pull America down from the height of barbarism. Imam Khomeini said: The very word of death to America will bring death to them. The positive energy in this slogan of death to Israel is not hidden from anyone. But the same energy in other languages may not have enough range. If everyone should pray in Arabic. Because it is the language of God, and it has precise and comprehensive meanings. Its translation in any language cannot convey its spiritual burden. For example, it is mentioned in the Qur'an that: (Reliance on Allah) is translated as: written on the top of hundred dollar bills. But no one pays attention to it. In some surahs of the Qur'an, cut letters are used, which are not even words! Like (Al Lam Mim) which is mentioned in the first chapter of Surah Al-Baqarah. It is not understandable at all in Arabic, let alone if they want to translate it. For example, one of the translators has said: Al means God. And the meaning of Lam is Gabriel and the meaning of Mim is also Muhammad. Therefore, we see that each point is understood in its own place. Death to Israel means in Persian. And in other languages it sounds like fantasy, dream or funny. For example, during the Friday prayer in Tehran, it was decided that the Minister of Yemen's slogan should be behind the microphone. The people of Tehran did not understand. Therefore, we see that if Allahu Akbar is translated into any language, it loses its solidity. The Persian language has poets such as: Hafez, Saadi, Molavi, and Khayyam. For example, Rudaki, a Persian poet who lived 1200 years ago, has been called the father of the Persian language. These poetry books have been translated into all languages, and are available to everyone. But it is better to read them in Persian language and write them in Persian language. Now billions of people are eager: Persian language. which is recommended to be combined with Ahmad Mahini's photo, to convey a single message: that message is: All the people of the world are from the same parents, therefore they are brothers. And borders and languages are only for knowing each other. The land belongs to all the people and each person gets three thousand square kilometers of land and ten thousand square kilometers of sea. And they must have the permission to occupy and use it for: accommodation and employment. Ahmad Mahini says: Every baby that is born, his land and home should be known. This is also a help to the family. When a baby has three thousand meters of land, his parents can start farming. In addition to the needs of the family, sell the extra amount. Therefore, no poor person will remain. The cause of poverty and class gap is the unfair ownership system. Some have billions of meters, while billions of people are landless. And in need of night bread. Saadi, a Persian poet, is said to have said: The children of Adam are members of one body, and he wrote this poem above the door of the United Nations! But since this poem was neglected, English was used instead of Persian letters. The nature of the United Nations was also distorted. Now the United Nations is actually America's police force. And all the celebrities of the world get paid from it. Soon, the European and Federal Police will be disbanded. And the documents of the informants will come out.