GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Towards the elimination of Israel

The tearing of the UN Charter by the representative of the fake Zionist regime in the UN shows that they did not believe in the Charter from the beginning and their names should be removed from the list of countries. Because the person who insults the charter does not accept it and therefore has been removed from its members. The approval of the state of Palestine also proves that the occupied territories must be returned. Because occupation does not cause ownership. Ownership is transferred based on the agreement of the parties. Therefore, the existence of Israel is not legitimate and it should not be legal, and this also makes Biden popular: According to the Gallup Institute, Biden's popularity is increasing since he stopped sending arms to Israel, and he has gained a better position among students. And it seems that he agrees with the creation of the Palestinian state, so he will not veto the resolution of the UN General Assembly. And asked England not to do so. Given the closeness of the election, and the nationwide public and student revolt against Israel, Biden seems to have surpassed Trump. And if he gets rid of Israel and removes Israel's name from the United Nations, his vote will be 100%. Because Trump has a Jewish son-in-law and cooperates with Israel. And he has signed a contract to build gambling towers on the ruins of Gaza and Rafah. Of course, Avery does not reveal these for the vote. But like the previous era, when he rejected ISIS, he later became the head of ISIS and assassinated Qasem Soleimani. Even now, if he gets the vote, he will massacre the Palestinians and turn all their lands into gambling towers and brothels in order to get big incomes. Arab sheikhs who are upset with Iran because of Islam and Shia. They have asked Trump to provide them with means of entertainment. He also participated in the sword game with Al Saud and promised to send them prostitutes from Iranian girls. Therefore, being close to the opposing Iranians is in his plan. so that through them he can trade Iranian girls and women. Because happy Arabs believe that Iranian girls are more beautiful and intelligent. Currently, Al Saud has several Iranian wives. Of course, legally the rule of Al Saud belongs to the Iranians. Therefore, since Biden is Iranian, the whole world will be in the hands of Iranians. Therefore, the campaign headquarters of Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, announces: If Biden agrees to remove the name of Israel, he will withdraw in favor of him. Ahmad Mahini believes that the previous time when Palestine was occupied, an Iranian Kurd named Salahuddin Ayoubi kicked them out. Even today, if Biden does this, he will actually respect his ancestors and be proud of being Iranian. He says that he has even seen videos where he listens to the Qur'an in his official meetings and starts the meetings by reading the Qur'an like the Iranians. He even participates in Nowruz ceremonies and the like. And unlike Trump, who wants Iranians to lose gambling and become prostitutes, he has talked to his allies that he has great respect for Iranians. Therefore, I will officially step aside in favor of Biden. And he can win the next election

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