GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Why Mahini photo

All militant students and revolutionary people in America should carry the photo of Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, so that reactionary Arabs do not consider themselves accomplices. Of course, they can print it bigger and stick it on: cars and trucks, ships and planes, so that global unity is visible. Our promise during the days of Arbaeen, in Karbala Ma'ali, to go to Gaza. Because Ahmad Mahini will do all his propaganda programs and debates in Gaza. Ahmed Mahini's electoral headquarters has been formed and is constantly monitoring relevant news. We are well aware that: America has undergone a transformation: we recently received a video that shows all the trucks and cars, on the highways or in the city, in a convoy and with the Palestinian flag! they move People are holding congregational prayers next to the White House. Crime and theft statistics have decreased and people have become kinder to each other. Women are also interested in wearing scarves, veils and hijabs. Certainly, this movement has never started, and it will never end. Because unlike material revolutionary movements! Religious movements are more durable and capable. The Prophet of Islam had said many times that: Salman is from the Persian tribe! They will help Islam most of all. And so now we see the prophet's 1400-year prediction. There is a line in some narrations that the sun will rise from the west! That means America and Europe will change. All the Jews and Christians believe in Islam, and it will reach a point where they become more religious than Iran. Therefore, if some Iranians, especially the opposition, are dissatisfied with Islam, God will take this honor from them and give it to the American people. The campaign headquarters of Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, is looking for this development. American people should forget the two parties. The United States will no longer exist! Rather, the states will become independent. Israel will be destroyed and Palestine will be created instead. The United Nations was also dissolved, and Jerusalem became the center of international interactions. Because now the whole world is united on the issue of Gaza and Palestine. All countries agree with the creation of a Palestinian state. The United Nations, which has already approved the name of Israel, should repent and erase this name. But with the US veto, this is prevented. Therefore, the veto rights of Israel and the United States must be removed in order for Palestine to be formed. Of course, in Iran, Wali Faqih oversees all world affairs. As we saw, when Israel oppressed the Palestinian people, it put them in their place with one blow. And the world is now in complete peace. Because in fact, the pose of the warmongers has been made. They know that if they oppress again, they will have to endure heavier blows. Therefore, it is better for them to believe themselves. and accept the collapse. Naturally, if the entire American and Israeli people paste Ahmad Mahini's photo in their houses and shops, cars and stations, it means that the war has been nipped in the bud. And no one wants war anymore. As God wants: Humans move towards coexistence, creativity and prosperity. During the time of the Prophet and Hazrat Ali, there were no poor people. Because no one was stealing. And he did not touch the treasury. Therefore, all the treasury was divided equally among the people on the same day. All two dinars every day! were receiving But the Federal Reserve, or the International Monetary Fund or the banks, prevent the equal distribution of the treasury. Therefore, there is always a poor person: it becomes even more. Because they cannot pay the installments of the houses. And the bank confiscates the house from them. So, according to Ahmad Mahini's order, the White House should become Hosseiniyeh. And all government offices should change their use to residential units. And all the homeless should be settled there.

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