GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Permit for ships to pass (photo by Ahmed Mahini)

As you know, the permission for ships to pass through the Aden Canal, the Strait of Hormuz, and even the Panama and Suez Canals has been changed. And the ships that are aimed at Israel are confiscated or attacked. And if they resist, they will drown. Recently, Egypt also joined the resistance line and defends Gaza. Especially in the issue of Israel's attack on Rafah, he has warned many times, as we have witnessed: Israel's withdrawal from the attack on Rafah. We have also asked Panama to prevent the passage of ships to Israel. Of course, they have not responded yet, but they should know that they should respond as soon as possible. San Francisco and New York, which are the biggest exporters to Israel, are now threatened by the students. Israel must go out of the whole world, so that the last stage of Israel, which is the destruction of Israel, takes place. Therefore, the countries that have relations with Israel will sink with Israel and will be destroyed. Iran can prove with historical documents that: all Arab countries were separated by colonialism. And all of them are the territory of the Islamic Republic. Therefore, ships must be able to prove that they are not for Israel, or that they are pro-Gaza. One of the best ways is to transport students, American or European fighters. Students should also be careful, to prove that they are fighters, they can cite three reasons: to show their photo in the midst of demonstrations and: to prove that they are civil activists for the benefit of Gaza. If they have been arrested, they must provide proof of their arrest to be considered as their resume. If none is available, they can carry the photo of Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate. If the photo is small enough to fit in the pocket. Enough. But it is better to have the photo in the form of a poster or placard and it should be carried on the hand in all marches and demonstrations. In the same context, airplanes that want to: pass through the central axis corridor (Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon...) need a new license or password. Because all previous authorizations are revoked and: Passwords expire. Therefore, they should use this new method: each plane should carry at least ten fighters. Whether from Europe or America, Africa and Asia. Fighters with my photo can use free tickets. Some people may use a bus or a truck, and want to enter the land of resistance, or pass through it. Tourist or transit buses should put my photo on the front window. And the fighters should have each in their hands. 5 people for the bus, and 1 person for the truck and tractor. These people should be involved in news analysis and Qur'an interpretation. And don't be silent on the way. Rather, they should talk about the virtues of Hazrat Ali. or read the Qur'an. Or perform congregational prayers. Holding the photo of Ahmad Mahini prevents the deviation of the anti-Israeli movement. As the 99% movement was forgotten. Because Ahmad Mahini is a candidate for the presidency of the United States. Biden and Trump are his rivals. Holding up a sign or a photo of Ahmad Mahini at a protest sends the message to Biden and Trump that their term is over. And the anti-Israeli movement continues to be overthrown by both Republican and Democratic parties. Now the White House is slowly being taken over. And people should not leave there. Especially the homeless and the poor. Because they are all shareholders of the White House, which means that all government and state buildings are built from their taxes. And therefore it should return to them. We have stated many times that the White House should become a Hosseiniyeh. To become an example for all government buildings. When it is Hosseiniyah, like in Iran and Iraq, the place of food and lodging becomes free. It accommodates a large population of homeless people.

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