GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Exterminator bureaucracies

All-round defense of anti-oppression students of American, Canadian universities and all students around the world, who fight against the oppressor and defend the oppressed according to the will of Hazrat Ali, is obligatory. Shame on the American mercenary police, Republican and Democratic parties. who defend the oppressor and attack the oppressed! Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, condemned both parties by publishing a statement. Because they become the treasury! have become Israel The Democrats will approve as much money as Israel wants, and as many weapons as it wants! Republicans are sending him. Therefore, bureaucrats and technocrats, due to their narrow-mindedness, which they called structuralism, are essentially enemies of humanity. Because the bureaucracy does not have the power to absorb 8 billion people, it is forced to reduce the population (massacre) until it reaches six million Zionists! that can be managed. Basically, the party is monopolistic, narrow-minded and against human development. Because he has no worse excuse for his poor management. While the Prophets and Saints paid attention to all human beings by creating the Ummah and are proud of them. But the parties have only a cadre and central point of view, they even turn their backs on their supporters: and they see them only as cannon fodder, when necessary! Call and form a plenum. In this American electoral voting, sometimes even one vote changes people's fate! While the fate of people should not be played. The foundation of the Republican Party is based on the sale of weapons. And therefore, there must be war, or the shadow of war, in the whole world so that people buy more weapons. And they can dominate public opinion with astronomical income. Trump's only advantage over Biden is that: people to the myth of their wealth! leads to the voting field. But everyone knows that no matter how much his wealth is, it cannot even justify his tax evasion. Because it can be said that all the wealth of the world is provided by tax evasion. The existence of all humans is zero! This is why the Qur'an says: You poor people! The wealth of those who have an illusion of wealth is from not paying khums, zakat, taxes, worker's rights, insurance, and the like. In fact, rich people are thieves who come with a light: and they pick people's pockets in broad daylight, for example, what does Microsoft or Amazon do? They sell their worthless products at the highest possible price, in complete monopoly and narrow-mindedness. It impoverishes millions of people to make themselves rich. All pyramid schemes, betting and gambling, etc., are all based on robbery and theft in broad daylight. Just like the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, they have become rich to the people based on the high price of food. What do trusts and cartels mean? It means pulling people into the shop! And emptying their pockets. To trap people like mice, who have no other way than to buy installments, that is, to sell their future income. Expensiveness and poverty are the product of gas attacks: basic technology companies, and bureaucratic people. They make complex formulas: that people do not understand! so that they can empty their pockets easily. Bank lottery is for the same purpose: they show in the green garden and: they empty everyone's pockets. And in this system, today, students and intellectuals of the world have risen. And I ask them to continue their uprising. Destroy police stations. Divide the palaces among the poor. And leave the police departments to the homeless. Taki must be the American police, the illegitimate children of two parties, who: in fact, are no more than a few bureaucrats responsible for Zionism. Today, the heads of these dragons have been smashed. God's hand has come out of Iran, help this hand. Thanks to Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate

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