GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

So necking to: Trump

When an Iranian young man, in front of the cameras, and in the presence of Trump's supporters, he reaps him: His voice is heard from the podium, that is, missing Trump! We do not want you to become an Iranian president. And we must announce the end of Western civilization, and wish an Iranian Islamic civilization. Now the hatred that the West had created from religion has become a hatred for the West's religious civilization. All human beings all over the world are awakened. They have realized that Western civilization and modernity have been no more than that of Gorilla and Monkey. And the increase in the rail cemetery prefers to increase the human population. The modernity of the West is what the ruins are over Gaza's children and: stones and bricks to Palestinian women. In modernity, good man is dead man. And it is so well interpreted: and deceives the world. And he sets himself up to tradition: tradition and modernity! But it must be said: Humanity and modernity! That is, modernity is the only thing it has is humanity. Except for racial discrimination and American white superiority: It does not accept anything else over all age and generations. And all this is born: Illusion: The superiority of the Jewish generation over the Worlds. Those who once said: And he said: () But they regretted God: And God said: (l) and commanded the Muslim: () Do not be friends with them: because the Jews, the Christians. They have also cheated on, encouraged them to disobey God. Anyone who friendly with the Jews and Christians must consider their line with them. Because it is the basis of the Qur'an on piety. And all human beings are from one parent. So they do not differ from each other: to piety. But they considered race superior. And as they are born of a Jewish mother or a Christian mother, their superiority over the whole world. This is something that said 1400 years ago, but today the world is aware of it! The Gaza Mashhad has given a great humanity in this respect, and the global awakening should be attributed to them: every 8 billion modern or later, all owes the blood of 40,000 martyrs: Palestinian children and men and women: Zero border point between three. Religion is great. The two previous religions do not want to accept that their (expired) deadline and: their expiration date is past. Humans always adorned and loved the past with all its evils. And this is the concept of reaction in civilization. When man is a child, his wish is to grow older. But when he grew up: To eliminate great assignments, that is, humanity, he goes to childhood. Because as a child with a cry and scream, he obeyed everyone and: But now it has to work. Take it hard. And from the Yamin code! And eat bread. But he likes: to steal! Stealing means using the wages and hard work of others: Instead of bothering yourself! And so humans are divided into two general categories: thieves and workers. Workers work, but thieves plan: to get the result of their job. From this division we come to the division of tradition and modernity! Sunnah means a civilization that is working. And modernity is a civilization that wants to take over the hard work of others. Colonialist and colonized another name: This is the division. And this has been the case since Prophet Adam: Why was Adam expelled from heaven? Because it was lazy: and always eat and sleep! So God threw him out of heaven to work himself. And food and clothes for yourself and the family! Provide. So Adam was the main background! She's back to childhood! He made the carpet under his feet like a paradise.

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