GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

The original and positive empire

Banknote counterfeiting is due to its authenticity, importance and value. Therefore, the forgery of the empire is also due to its importance and lofty position. Man is an emperor in essence: that is, every man is an emperor for himself. for he is God's vicegerent on earth: and all the facilities of the world are created for him. But the enemies change it with one: the presidency or the municipality, and even the head of a department. The main empire is shamed and pushed to the backstage and they make him a despot and dictator. While they themselves are dictators and autocrats, who were able to make the weakest position superior to the highest position. and make the right unjust. To pollute the privacy of Kobari with polytheism and idolatry. Because they are humble themselves, they want everyone to be humble. And from the shining sun, they sing to a poetic candle. Yes, they deny the Great God, because they say: We cannot accept what we do not see! Instead of that, we see stones, wood and any garbage! They worship instead of God. They are even willing to worship thousands of gods. But do not bow your neck in front of God. And this abject disease has sometimes gone to the bone marrow, whatever we write and write and say! As if they didn't say anything. Like a child who sees a chocolate, his ears become deaf and his eyes are blind! And he does not see or want anything other than that. Non-divine philosophers and scientists are like this child. When they cannot understand the greatness of an object, they pull it down and despise it like themselves: so that they can see it under the surgical knife! But the truth is much bigger and more mysterious than these words. No one has yet managed to dominate the moon or Mars! At that time, they claim to dominate Burjahan. He has not yet been able to defend the rights of a Palestinian, he says after the new world order. It sells pride to the world. All these boastings are just nonsense because they are reflected only in the media. It has been said since ancient times: The words of the wind are the air. But the Palestinian child knows God! He spreads the Iftar table in the heart of all the failures. And he says to God: I fasted for you, and I break my fast for you. The great soul of this small creature, how easily it travels the distances. And how easily it reaches the end of existence. While that elite brain is full of pride! It still can't crack a single particle properly. And sends thousands of people to death with atomic force. And then, he determines the Nobel Prize! All this is because: they ignore the Iranian Empire. And they call others emperors. They don't see the greatness and vastness of Iran. But the smallness of the city of Rome or ancient Greece is bigger than any world for them. The first teacher! are considered Greek. While the first teacher of the universe is the Great God. Many times in the Qur'an, he oppressedly said: (Khalq al-Insan and ulama al-bayan!) We were the ones who created man. And we taught him language, speech, writing, science and knowledge! Why are you looking for hieroglyphs in the bigholes! And cuneiform became papyrus paper. The tablet and the pen are with God, that's all: the inscription of wonder on the door and wall of existence! No matter what you think, there was a pattern on the wall. O man, what happened to you that you brought your greatness and God down from the heavens and hid it in the basement of your house or laboratory? And you called others to it? You blacked out the sun, then you went looking for the truth with the lamp of the laboratory mouse? Come and choose the right path. Come and become a Shia, and believe in Imam Ali and his children: and see that the Palestinians throw stones! A Palestinian made a flying rocket, and from Israel Ashrafi stole a date. Know your worth and by voting for me: in the presidency of the United States, once again turn to the grateful empire: and thank the blessings of: God to give you all the heavens and the earth. That's just looking for a mine, or some oil! And gold and jewelry, how much it is worth to you. In the place where God is the customer of your life, don't sell it to the devil.

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