GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Autlantic is Shiite because Atlan means Shiite

All the guest of God you are
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: (Oh al -Nassam al -Dadam al -'Abdahullah) O people of the world, you were invited to the party of God! But the party of God, unlike the luxury, is an invitation without formalities: the more hungry, the higher the quality. As Ali and his family were starving for three days, they gave themselves Iftar to the poor, orphans and the poor. Until the Surah Helpht Ati was revealed in them. So since then, all believers are trying to give their Iftar to others, so that a sura may be revealed to them. Earth's diameter is raised every day. Because everyone's Iftar tables are spreading on the ground, and if people sit down, pray and pray and then Iftar. These queues are interconnected: and like the magnet magnetic spectrum, they will all rotate around the house of God in a specific circuit. And this starts from the zero -degree circuit and: within 24 hours, it rotates once around the Earth. That is, in the middle of the night and near the morning: everyone wakes up, dawn and goes to the mosque for prayer. Imagine such a move in the world with any meridian circulation: and the horizon, respectively, the entire earth is repeatedly encountered. In addition, people go to work after praying. And they work until night. And, of course, when the people of America worship in the middle of the day with enthusiasm, Ahmad Mahini, on the ground, for example in Asia, people go to beds, preparing to sleep at night. Therefore, different human waves are regularly created by exercise and exercise. That covers the entire earth with a horizontal phase difference. Even those who do not accept worship! They do not know that they are worshiping! Because thinking about this is worship itself. They constantly ask themselves: Why do we pray? Why become a Muslim? And why should we be Shiite? Or do we believe in the ignorant God? In fact, they worship intellectual. The same worship and denial protects them from anti -religious behavior. He did not hostility. And he loved people and helped them (Heluddin Al -Habb) like a poet who said: Wine! Eat, burn the pulpit, but don't hurt people! In fact, all the people of the world are Shiites and God. But for their independence, they do not accept one of the collections and systems of religion! Some are Shiite in practice, but they do not accept in the name: For example, we prove: Everyone is disabled! But some have their disabilities: they have no eyes! And some people are unclear: like someone who has no hearing! Or has cardiovascular discomfort. Because every flower has thorn. Vigel is only God. As Sayyid Jamal al -Din Asada Abadi said: I saw Islam in Europe: but I didn't see a Muslim. In Iran, I saw Muslims but I didn't see Islam! Ramadan is also the party of the whole world. Even those who do not fast are more about going to Iftar! And they spread large Iftar tables. Therefore, all of the Shiites become Shiites on the table of Iftar, especially the nights of glory. Because this is their thinking. Even though they seem to oppose it. Because the main condition of reading! Full notice of the comments is the supporters. That is, one must know what he or she deny. Even all those who are Sunni or Wahhabi know Ali better than Shiites. Because no one can oppose something they know. If one unknowingly disagrees, it is better than the one who knows. Because as soon as he knows he becomes a Shiite. But the sleeping person wakes up with the lowest sound. Jain please wake up all.
  Thanks to Ahmad Mahini, the president of the United States
Autlantic is Shiite because Atlan means Shiite

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