GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Basic principles of civilization research

The philosophy of civilization: what it is and its existence, at least: three principles must be specified in order to define it comprehensively: firstly, where is its origin, secondly, what is its driving force, and thirdly, what is its ultimate goal. Hazrat Ali says (May God have mercy on those who know where they came from, where they are going, and where they are now). Hafez also says: Where did I come? What was the purpose of my coming? where am i going Therefore, for about 50 years, I have followed research in the field of civilization research: the basic forms are included in the definition of civilization. Their principles are uncertain and changeable. The most important definition of civilization is urbanization. While civilization is higher than urbanization. Like someone who lives in a villa: and alone. While the daily requirement is accommodation in skyscrapers. All those who have researched civilization, whether in Iran or in the West, have defined it with the inspiration of Rome or Athens. While Rome and Athens were not only cities, they were not more than villages. Because outside of Caesar's palace, they were called barbarians. That is, only a few thousand people, who filled around Caesar. Even this part was not complete because many of them were slaves or soldiers for the gladiators. However, at the same time, Iran has managed hundreds of similar villages and cities together. He considered everyone equal and paid wages to the workers to build Persepolis. Not like Egypt, Greece, Rome and China, which did not have any rights for workers. They gave food to the extent that he could work. And as soon as he died, he was placed in the crevices of the wall like a brick or a stone. Many of them think that Noah's storm was a myth! But its works are called civilization. In some places on earth, with a little digging, you can find traces of a civilization that is more than 9,000 years old. That is, Noah's flood covered the entire surface of the earth, and its sedimentary layers: soft soil that fell on these treasures, and buried them with their owners. Therefore, civilization means small cities for small minds. In addition, no one can definitively say: where is the origin of civilization! What is its driving engine? And what is the definition of Utopia? And the reason for all this wandering is to hide the essence and reality of civilization. The main theory is that: Iran was, is and will be an empire. Because the beginning of civilization starts with Prophet Adam: it continues until Khatam: that is, they were the driving engine of the prophets. But they try to ignore this obvious issue, so they don't know: it is history that makes heroes and civilizations, or it is heroes that make history. The historical fact to answer this question is the province line. That is, from Khatam to Qaim. So, very simply, the straight line (straight line) from Hazrat Adam to Qaim connects the whole history and civilization, and answers three basic questions: Civilization begins with agriculture and animal husbandry: Hazrat Adam and his children: as far as When the children of Adam reached a hundred people. They founded the celebration of the century. The driving engine of history are prophets and saints who received their strategies from God in written form. The goal of human civilization is the single: global government of Hazrat Qaim (AS). But the enemies of this line are trying to draw a detour or a line with an angle from anywhere. Therefore, instead of prophets, they replace philosophers and scientists instead of saints. And in the so-called Torah, God is retired and removed from the distance. The philosophy of history and civilization: in the hands of Darwin! Aristotle or Plato. While the first teacher is God. The first author is God. And nothing happens outside of his will, and the future of the world is also in his hands (Malik Yumuddin)

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