GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

The solution to prevent the marginalization of cities

Marginalization means: Indiscriminate influx of villagers to the city, to acquire property or land illegally. Therefore, if the influx of villagers to cities, or city dwellers to metropolises, is according to rules and regulations, for example, if they settle in satellite towns, it is not considered marginalization. Of course, apparently, it is for job search. Because most of those who immigrate must have the ability to immigrate: either physically or financially. Invading the cities has two types of costs: if it is with a job, they get high money in advance or smuggling money. Therefore, those who want to have a secure job, must have large savings. But if they go on their own, or without support, they should have at least 6 months of expenses with them: so that they can find a suitable job. Therefore, most of the marginal residents are among the rich in their village. A poor person makes the same agriculture. Or he stays in the same village, this is a rich person who is full and wants air! change Therefore, the analysis that these people are poor is not correct. Rather, they pretend to be poor: to get free land. And: They often reach this conclusion with promises and bribes. After the construction, the government first gives them electricity and water! And they receive documents as soon as possible. While if they went through the legal way, maybe they would have to pay tens of times. But in Islam, marginalization should not be in this sense for two reasons: First, the land belongs to God. And the ownership of others is a credit: that is, the credit of reservation and work. That is, they fence off a place for housing, or develop land. Therefore, it has been said that the land belongs to the one who develops it (Al-Ariz Laman Ahyaha), so if someone receives land, but does not develop it, he should: leave it to someone else. In this case, the farmer becomes the owner. Because he has done the real work. And the second reason is: there is the theory of Companions. Ashab Safa theory says: All people without housing can temporarily find accommodation in mosques. Therefore, the mosque naturally solves the problem of marginalization. Its historical roots go back to the Prophet's migration. When the Prophet's uncle, Hamza Seyyed al-Shahda, became a Muslim and said: The Prophet is in my support. All the infidels of Quraysh said: This is a serious matter. Therefore, they formed the nucleus of resistance against the Prophet. People tortured the Prophet. So that Hamza does not understand. Then there was the economic blockade of Abu Talib branches. which caused the Prophet to send some to Abyssinia. And finally he was forced to migrate to Medina. The first thing he did in Medina was to build a big mosque. For the solution of housing for the immigrants, he put forward two proposals: first, the issue of brotherhood, that is, religious brotherhood, that each Ansar should take a migrant home with him: and they should share a house. The second way was to create cells: or small rooms around the mosque. for the rest of the survivors to settle there. The Prophet's and Hazrat Ali's own house was among the companions of Safa. And all the doors opened to each other. Until the revelation came that all the doors should be closed. And only Ali's door should be open to the Prophet. That the matter of guardianship, or the succession of the Prophet, will gradually be settled. Therefore, all homeless people, homeless people and tourists, everywhere, should go to the mosque. And build the mosque like Imamzadehs, with many rooms in the surrounding area. . No one was left without shelter. If I vote for the presidency of the United States, I will implement this plan so that all people have a share in God's land. Homeless people should act now. This means that the US Congress, the White House, the Pentagon and all government departments should be identified openly and secretly. and wander around there. and go inside to sleep. If there is no resistance from the guards, they will take a place for themselves forever. And if they resist, kill them.
Ahmad Mahini is a candidate for the presidency of the United States

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