GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Clear reasons for the future

Why is the future bright? And why some people see it as dark. And why hope is not only with words. The process towards the future is not separate from the process of the past and present. It means that you can't look at events in isolation. In Islam and Shia, the future is an extension of the past: and a chain of continuous cause and effect guides it. That is, no accident is accidental: and no human being does anything without a reason. The stupidest works of man, whether individually or collectively, are the result of hours of action and reaction: their society and interaction with the outside society, the plan, plans and thoughts of its creators. You see in the movies that: even for a robbery! For hours, different groups and people draw plans and give valid reasons for them. And they argue with each other until one item is approved and implemented. Let alone: construction and tax works, etc. If we want to present the past as a beacon for the future: we can have a straight line from the beginning to the end. At the beginning of the line is Hazrat Adam. In the middle of that Hazrat Khatam, and at the end of that Hazrat Qaim. The gaps in this are also filled by descendants, descendants, ancestors, etc. That is, Hazrat Adam gives ten books, which he received from God, to Hazrat Seth and introduces him as his successor to continue the line of prophecy. And when his children and grandchildren: reaches a hundred people: he sets up a century celebration, so that everyone throughout history knows that for becoming a hundred people: one person! What efforts were made. Then there is Hazrat Idris, who continues the path by teaching ten books to the people, forming classes and teaching courtyards: from God: it is also the turn of Hazrat Suleiman and Wadaud Nabi. According to the Qur'anic statements, Hazrat David teaches blacksmithing, making iron clothes and armor to the people. Earlier, the first house building and architecture were established by Adam, agriculture by Cain, and animal husbandry by Abel. Until it is the turn of the last prophet: he comes to the square with tablet and pen, writing and expression. And from a wild and primitive people, he makes a civilizing and all-encompassing people: to the extent that he illuminates all the corners of the world with the light of Islam. Although afraid of the sun! Fearing the light, they burrow into the holes like bats and mark the dark evening of the Middle Ages. But the light of Islam has been shone through the writings of Ibn Sina and Razi and created a renaissance there! Relegates the enquizization to history. And the new age of awareness begins. But night worshipers and sun-fearers don't sit idle either. And from the same light of renaissance, darkness, ignorance, war and killing are brought out. And suddenly the world is caught in the fire of World War I and II. Imam Khomeini appeared: and prevented the third world war, by deactivating the atomic bombs, he said: America can do no wrong. Because America itself does not know that its bombs are nothing more than a toy. But the liberals, by influencing Imam Khomeini's government, are still creating terror. And they perpetuate the shadow of war and the atomic bomb. To the extent that Obama is delusional: even though he knows that atomic bombs have been hacked and disabled, he says: "All options are on the table." But people beat him under the table with their elections! And they appoint someone who is against ISIS and the war. Unfortunately, this person, under the influence of the Zionist lobby, is tearing up the JCPOA: so that the shadow of war will be over the people again. that he is also overthrown. Now the empire of Iran has invaded from the horizons and: the whole world has reached a single leadership, and the idols of the time have been defeated. Force them only to an island! Or a small prison called Gaza. But Yemen and Hezbollah stood in the way and supported Gaza, and confiscated American, British and Israeli ships, one after another. They know that Iran's government is a disgrace! And he cannot claim his money.

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