GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

A three-month march

Iranian people work, save, and don't spend throughout the year until at the end of the year, they participate in a three-month march to the market. This march starts on the first of February and ends at the end of April every year. And it is one of the biggest processions in the world, which is thousands of years old. But so far no one has tried to register it, because it is completely popular, traditional and international. That is, this movement starts from all over the world: Christians are the first group that: from January night, with pine trees and Santa Claus, they also start space travel: deer in the snowy space! They carry Santa's gifts. So that everything is ready on the promised day. Happy and smiling children are waiting for its arrival from the windows of their houses. Markets without the need for plastic marketing! It is filled with buyers. Everyone renews everything for themselves. Even if someone did not have money, they would buy for him. In this way, the cold and black winter is covered with laughter and joy. Then there are the Chinese: who celebrate Nowruz earlier because the Chinese are a hasty race. Their children are born early and grow up early. In all of them, Iranians are with them, and they rejoice with their happiness. Then it is the turn of the continental plateau and the Iranian civilization field. which is a sign of people's happiness and wealth, and their gratitude to God. But the enemy of the people does not see this! He imagines people as poor and sad. In any case, these marches continue from early morning until late at night! No one feels tired, the happiness is completed when: they go to one of the old mosques for prayer and give thanks to God. In times of need, they visit Imamzadegan, to remember the glory and greatness: fourteen centuries of Imamate, and the rule of the Alevis, and the grandchildren of Yazdgerd III. When they are hungry, cheap restaurants are ready to serve them, even the municipality has allowed food stalls to be on the sidewalks, and people can choose their meals there! And to be satisfied, feed cats, crows and dogs. It is a beautiful sight that people themselves understand better than the media. And the media only talk about their hatred and disappointment. While people, even if they don't need to buy, they don't know from head to toe in the enthusiasm of this march. Still loyal, they walk on the sidewalks leading to the market. The faces of all of them are happy, and satisfaction and gratitude can be seen in the sparkle of their eyes. From this, you can understand that the world is facing two completely opposite types of economy: the collapsed economy and the Western neo-Kishis! and the deep-rooted and 15,000-year-old eastern economy. There is no place in the economy of novices. Everything is falling apart: people are hungry, workers are constantly thinking about strikes, and capitalists are constantly thinking about layoffs. Marketing has lost its meaning. And as much as the marketers work hard, with one signature of Trump, they all burn to the fire of sanctions. But the resistance economy or the rooted economy has left everything in its place! People know how to work, and how to spend. Therefore, according to economists, people are unemployed and without money! While they work for 9 months, and do not spend. And three months (financial turnover) is equal to 12 years. And they do not understand this. Either they deliberately ignore it, or they consider it an economic shock and a wave that will disappear. Yes! Its wave drains the entire market. So that producers have the opportunity to produce again. And life keeps its constant cycle. Therefore, you can see that the markets are old and their architecture is traditional. But governments are falling day by day. Sometimes even mass killings, revolutions and coups happen. Therefore, it can be said: the reaction of the media is the hidden hatred of economists

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