GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

The area of Gaza is increasing

Every time Hezbollah attacks an Israeli base, they are forced to retreat 7 kilometers! In the case of the Al-Aqsa storm, they evacuated all the surrounding areas of Gaza up to 7 kilometers: it is not possible for Israel to return to these areas, considering the increasing power of the Palestinian people. Therefore, the area of Gaza has almost doubled. And it is constantly increasing. Or, in fact, Israel is smaller and the siege of Tel Aviv is getting tighter and: the Qur'anic verse is being implemented, which said: Therefore, one of the signs of the world-class election candidates is this: belief in the expansion of Gaza until the complete annihilation of Israel. This matter must be pursued in two very clear ways: election candidates for the presidency and federal elections of the United States, as well as for experts in the leadership and representation of the Islamic Council of Iran, must have these characteristics. Otherwise, people will not vote for them: these two are bargaining from above and: pressure from below! Bargaining from above means the pursuit of: removing obstacles to the destruction of Israel: in the United Nations and other national and international organizations. Including why the United Nations has not been able to vote to suspend Israel? Because just as Israel was accepted as a member of the United Nations on May 11, 1949, it must be removed from membership today. Why is this resolution not implemented? And what are its obstacles? It forms the topics of bargaining from above. Now the majority of the votes of the United Nations are suspended, but the Secretary General must announce an extraordinary meeting. In this meeting, the majority of the General Assembly must vote that Israel is a criminal. and remove it from membership. Of course, the US may use the veto, but the probability is low. And if he uses it, at least it should be approved in the general assembly's approvals, and it should be registered as an approval. Also, the general assembly can remove both of them from membership. Because America must become an independent nation. The people of the world play an important role in this regard. There should be a march against Israel in all countries and states of the world. To force the heads of the countries: to vote yes to the elimination of Israel. Especially the independent states of America should play an active role. so that they can save their borders. The number of presidential candidates in America should increase from 2 to 100. And each state appoints its own president. Presidential candidate Ahmed Mahini: of New York State: supports this issue. But pressure from below! It is the responsibility of the axis of resistance: that is, at the same time as bargaining from above, they must increase the area under the control of Gaza: so that Israel physically disappears. Today, Hezbollah has destroyed more than 2,000 Israeli military barracks. Therefore, they have all been evacuated. He should take them over or give them to Hamas. Despite Mahmoud Abbas's pacifism, Hamas has destroyed and evacuated more than three thousand points. Cleaning battalions should be sent to clean these places and make them available to the people of Gaza for agriculture. Of course, for the settlement of all Palestinians, the Zionist settlements have been completely evacuated. And they are waiting for the cleaning battalions. The Hamas army should be without regard to: Mahmoud Abbas and Netanyahu, the UAE and Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United States! All of which are one soul in several bodies. Begin clearing and demining all areas of Israel. And people all over the world should start marching towards Jerusalem. And on World Quds Day (the last Friday of Ramadan), everyone should pray together in Jerusalem. Because the command of the Qur'an is: (Those who are in the land, establish the prayer, give the alms, and enjoin what is known, and refrain from the evil, and God is the Hereafter of the world. ) That is, when they find power on earth, their first duty is to pray. Praying in Jerusalem means the end of the war: it is not declared and it is ongoing in the third world. Because this congregational prayer should be organized and connected with the participation of all the people of the world.

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