GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Kamla Harris and

Kamla Harris and Condoleezza Rice will vote for them if they veil. And whoever acts sooner, we will withdraw in his favor! Due to the disappointment of the American people, from Joe Biden and Trump: or basically from the Democratic and Republican parties, an Iranian born named Ahmad Mahini has become a candidate: and he is hopeful that he will be able to return the trust to the people. He will manage America with the management method of the Islamic Revolution. And again, America can: become a powerful and rich country. But this time he must keep his promise. Mahini can remind the people of this commitment: the issue is that in 1932, America, like today, was suffering from poverty, misery, unemployment, and economic crisis. At that time, people turned to religion. Even on one hundred US dollars! They hacked Bismillah: May he be blessed. This writing is still on the hundred dollar bills, and because of this, it is popular with the people, and it is so-called blessed. But managers and officials forgot their promises and became further and further away from God, especially in 1945 with the explosion of the atomic bomb (little boy) in Japan, they showed the world sharp teeth. And they became so proud that they imagined themselves as the god of the world. And they brought up super power and new system and so on. He even considered himself to be the superior race and enslaved all the blacks, the Indians who were not willing to obey, massacred all of them. With this power and honor that God's name had created for their government, they did not do well. and dominated all the countries: they plundered their properties. The people of Iran, who saw these ingratitudes, made a revolution and closed the oil taps on America. And now, after 45 years, America is bankrupt, and has created more than 25 trillion dollars in debt! Today, America is nothing without Iran's money. Therefore, whenever he deems it necessary, he confiscates Iran's property! takes for election expenses. Today, by sanctioning some new Iranian companies, he has prepared himself for a new robbery. Because since those years, the Zionists have gradually weakened the lobby of Iran and the Persian language, and by establishing Hollywood and the like, they have led people to corruption and prostitution: to rob them all. Today, even for retirees, who have lived a lifetime, nothing but garbage! It is not a nursery food or a sleeping bag. Therefore, as Kamla Harris said: America should not go to the aid of Israel, and those who did not listen and: sent the navy to help Israel, to kill the Palestinians: now they see that the great American navy is drowning in the Sea of Aden. And something must be done. Ahmed Mahini's commissarship is to fix this situation and bring people back to God. Divine freedom is to form the independent states of America. And the people rely on the wealth of their state to meet their needs and become self-sufficient (give thanks) only then: the people will be saved, thanks to the FBI and the CIA. And the Pentagon will spend all the wealth of America for their own power. People do not need the police. Because the American people have no enemies. These are international hostilities with the US government and spy agencies. When all are destroyed, there will be neither war nor attack! All the people of the world will enjoy all facilities in an equal position. Therefore, the 99% movement should pay attention: This is not the time for silence and complacency. It is the time to continue the struggle to secure the independence and freedom of human beings, especially their fellow citizens. God created humans from one parent and loves them. Each human being is an emperor for himself! Because God's successor is on earth: (Eni Ja'al fi al-arz khalifa.) Let's vote for Ahmad Mahini, shut the tongues of liars forever, and kill the thieves of the treasury! They will die as soon as they do not reach the US treasury

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