GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Loyalty and marketing

Marketing in Islam, like other activities, requires its own theorization. And we should not start our work with the leverage of others and their ideas. It is like trying to open the door of our house with the key of another house! So all sciences! need to be revised. Because all sciences are the product of human thought. Science forms our understanding of reality. That is, sciences by themselves do not exist in the world. For example, something called chemistry or physics does not exist externally. Rather, it is the creation of the human mind. Nature does its job! And he goes his way. This is the month that sometimes we take physics out of it and sometimes chemistry! Hard sciences that follow this rule, soft sciences in the first way. Because something called management! We don't have it outside. Or economy and for example politics. Rather, it is our mind that cuts a certain dimension when facing social phenomena. and names it. In fact, all sciences are the same nomenclature. For this reason, God also says in the Qur'an: We taught Adam all the names. Therefore, the basis of hypotheses and theories must be changed. And the sources of hypothesizing move from Western texts to Islamic texts. Because the West has reached its end! And the reason for all this decline is their scientific sources. For example, in marketing: they researched for years, acted and gave us a class too! They still leave! But with Trump's signature, they all fell apart. And it showed that something called marketing was nothing more than a lie. That we allocate 95% of product costs to marketing. And with one signature, we are prohibited from issuing it or selling it: to our customers. which does not fit into any logical thinking. But the peak of Western civilization! And its marketing science. Of course, they still teach us the science of marketing: before the revolution (before Carter's sanctions) to find more market share at a higher cost. And they say that advertising is not expensive! It is an investment. Newkins say we have to create a need! And make people need our product, until they become addicted to it. This heinous act is called customer loyalty. Addiction or loyalty to the product means that we don't even need to buy it so that the saturation of production becomes ineffective. Or artificially, to produce in our own need. Drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, sex, and violence all fall into this category. It means that people do not need them. But because of loyalty, they buy and consume it. So: the use of drugs or cigarettes is not an inherent human need: rather, it is even better not to use them. But for social prestige, or socialization, which is the creation of public opinion by marketers: they have to consume it, to die. It means an addict! He considers dying on the side of the street as his ultimate loyalty. And he has no fear of that. For this reason, they should not be considered as human beings, because their feelings and souls have been captured by the devil. To clarify the issue: the enemies of the Islamic Revolution consider the sleeping bag a defect for us! But for developed countries, a type of urban development and capitalist growth! evaluate Even in the culture of addicts, unlike ordinary people, sleeping cartons are a matter of pride. Therefore, whenever the municipality collects them, they go to their neighbors with an excuse. And more ragged than before, they declare their loyalty to them. Just like littering! that the enemies of the Islamic revolution introduce it as an ugly phenomenon, but the garbage collectors themselves believe that they have found a dirty gold mine! And they are not willing to give up even the goodwill of their neighborhood. Therefore, the reason why we have to change the basis of the theories is that we did not fall into the hole they dug. Their pitfall is an internal conflict or double standards. For example, we don't like illegitimate children, but they advertise that there will be more. In Islam, it is obligatory for girls to marry at the age of 9, so that they do not fall into prostitution. But they throw him into prostitution so that he doesn't get married.

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