Among the American election candidates, the name of an Iranian stands out: Ahmad Mahini has been nominated independently in all terms. Although due to severe apartheid in America, he has not yet been invited to the election debates. And not having a party has been announced as one of the reasons for his disqualification. Now he declares his readiness by leaning towards the Green Party in America, and also in the list of candidates. And to prove his claim of Iranian origin, he has included the telephone number of the Iranian office: 00982136878594 or 0098912083649, which all social networks are connected to. The email is also as follows: He is a PhD student in management from New York University, he has corresponded with the University of Michigan, Western Ontario, and Australian universities for some time, and since 1990 he has been in constant contact with all the English-speaking universities in the world. And so far, he has written more than two thousand articles in English, Spanish, German and French. He is also a member of New York University classmates, and is invited to friends' graduation parties. His first speech in Texas was for the crowd of students, where he gave a speech to strengthen the national and state foundation of Texas. He believes that the people of Texas have the right to take back their lost lands, even by force of arms. Therefore, he made this speech among supporters of Texas independence: from his statements, it is clear that he wants the independence of all American states. Here we briefly ask him about the planned road map: he is also ready to participate in the American election debates and defend this theory: this theory became known as (the independent states of America), and among all the states of America has found fans. It describes the theory (independent states of America) in this way: The people of America owe their history to: Noah's flood. Because they migrated from Ararat and lived at the end of the inhabited quarter at that time. As a result of the landslide, the American continent is split and separated from Europe. And by the oceans, there is a distance between them. Therefore, the American natives, who are seven thousand years old, speak Dari Farsi, and have the Mayan script. which is the same handwriting of Prophet Noah. Until three hundred years ago, they thought the world was the Americas. They described the story of their race as follows: Hadavand made four pieces of human dough from dirt and put them in an oven to be baked: the first one he took out was still uncooked and white, which is the white race. When he took out the second one, it was slightly cooked and colored yellow. He delayed a bit, and took out the third one, it was fried! His beauty faded so much that he forgot his fourth and turned black. Therefore, the Indian race separated themselves from others and retreated to the American continent. They were living in happiness and prosperity when: suddenly, the head of Christopher Klump and his friends were found. Of course, some people had come before, but they had left without harassment. But this time they all came with firearms. They drove all the Indians off their lands. Israel is the real white America! And it was for this reason that Imam Khomeini considered America to be the great devil. Because the Israelis were only able to occupy the Sinai desert, but the American whites killed all the Indians and occupied all the lands. Even after the Second World War, they marched all over the world and built military bases in all cities and countries. to take their lands and property for themselves. And they named it the New World Order. Until Imam Khomeini appeared in Iran. And it created a big obstacle for the oppression and oppression of the Americans. Now all the candidates must promise that they will pursue the cause of the independent states of America.