GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Final resolution on 22 February

World people! Tomorrow is the 22nd of February, and you must come to the streets. And after the march, read a resolution asking the United Nations to remove the name of Israel. For this purpose, all dimensions are taught today: all the people of the world, big and small, are members of the 8 billion Ratch: Global Mobilization. Because they are from the same parents, and everyone has equal rights. These are regular members. But they can become active members of Basij: the first step is self-building and the second step is building others. Self-improvement means that they study so much that no question remains in their mind. Naturally, the only source that can answer all their questions. There are only Shia sources, i.e.: Qur'an, Sunnah, Ijma and Aql. Therefore, with only one question of yours, he became a god: the other question is Shia! The first question is, have we created ourselves? Or someone else? (Tawheed) The second question is: Has the one who created us abandoned us? Or is he taking care of us so that we don't perish? (Prophecy) The next question: Did the Prophet of Islam have the right to choose his successor? (Imamate). When you find the answer to these questions in your conscience, it will be another turn: ask them these questions too. And increase the range of people: now you have a core of mobilization resistance. Its organizational name is: the knowledge circle of the righteous. This ring can be concentrated in mosques, mosques, neighborhoods and villages. But their familiarity with each other is the formation of righteous circles. The next step is to connect it to the 8 billion mobilization by finding contacts, which is not important. It means that the command of the 8 billion Basij has confidence in you and recognizes you. Those who have completed the stage of self-development and: other-development (organizations), must determine the operation unit for themselves. The task of the operation unit is to hold classes or events for permanent gatherings. So that the forces are always available. They can meet (pray) in mosques three or five times a day. Mosques or localities can have a meeting once a week in mosques or temples (Friday prayer). In fact, Friday prayer is a weekly congress. Atbat can be the place of monthly meetings because we have 12 imams. And we go to visit one of them every month. And the annual gathering should be in Mecca. But due to Saudi Arabia's prohibition, this work takes place in Iraq and during the days of Arbaeen. Apart from these routine gatherings, we must also react to the issues of the day. Therefore, like the anti-Zionist people of Israel, we can have Saturdays of protest until the fall of Israel. Or, like the Yemenis and Iranians, he set up protest Fridays until the fall of Israel. Or, like the Londoners, he withdrew his money from the banks. Of course, our suggestion is that because of the cold weather. And: the increase of the homeless, the first task is to occupy the White House and the Palace of Versailles and Battingham. If it is not enough, the buildings of the United Nations or spy agencies should also be confiscated. The validity of this work has already been issued. Because Hazrat Ali says: I did not see any palace unless there were hungry people around it! That is, the palaces were built with the money of these homeless people. But others take advantage of it. However, today, 22 Bahman, is the global birthday of the Islamic Revolution. At whatever stage you are, you can bring your groups to the streets: celebrate and be happy. Because the carnival of joy: for 22 Bahman, can keep hope alive in the hearts of the world. Because they understand 8 billion! They have support. According to Imam Khomeini: Everyone who pours a bucket of water will flood Israel. Because this action is synergistic and synergistic. And soft water! Sally makes a founder. And God has also confirmed it: they say (Yadullah with the congregation). God's hand is with the crowd. Because Islam is the religion of company, partnership and collective. And it should be known that the hand of God is higher than all the hands of the enemies.

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