The Mahin Empire has organized a competition based on the verse of the Qur'an (Fasbaq al-Khairat): and it wants all the active members of the 8 billion Basij to participate in it and go ahead of each other. This competition has four stages: First, who will pray in Jerusalem? Of course, this contest is apparently between Badr al-Din Hosseini (Al-Houthi) and Seyed Hassan Nasrallah and Ammar Hakim or Hashem Al-Haidari: Hezbollah's missile attacks on Lebanon's security positions indicate that: Hezbollah wants the path of prayer to Jerusalem to be safe and smooth. slow, so that people can visit it freely. Therefore, for the first time, he should perform the prayer in Bait al-Maqdis! To prove that complete security is provided for the worshipers. Badr al-Din Hosseini also wants to provide a free transportation fleet for worshipers from all over the world by looting American and British ships. By expelling America from Iraq, Kataeb Hezbollah destroys support for Israel's security positions. Afghanistan's Fatimites, Syria's Zeinabion, and Azerbaijan's Hosseinites have put their forces on alert behind the Israeli border, so that as soon as the destruction of Israel's last security and military base is announced, they will begin clearing the walking path to Jerusalem. do A caravan (from Khorasan to Palestine) is being formed from Iran to send more troops to offer prayers in Jerusalem. Will this crowd stand behind whom for the first time in congregational prayer? The Friday imam of al-Aqsa Mosque has considered the city of Bait-ul-Maqdis as a Muslim endowment. Therefore, both of them may pray behind this sage. He will also participate in this competition. Provided that he helps in the matter of preparation: supplies for the worshipers. All routes will be equipped with free accommodation and food service processions. Of course, they can practice from now on, and provide the necessary infrastructure for the processions, and launch it experimentally on Fridays. And if Israel disturbs them, they should give them to Hizbullah, so that the evil of disturbances will disappear forever. It is natural that when these processions are launched, the way will be prepared for the imam of the congregation: Ayatollah Khamenei: the second Friday prayer will be held under his leadership. And maybe the third Friday! Under the Imamate of Imam Zaman Aj. But, the eight-billion-strong Mobilization will also participate in this competition: they must march in cities and villages against Israel and in support of Gaza. Find members from among the present crowd. And register them for pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Mobilization of New York, Mobilization of London, and Mobilization of Paris, should play the biggest role. Whoever was able to send more number of followers will be the winner of the second stage. And in the first global Friday prayer, they will be awarded prizes. Yemen is responsible for travel arrangements. They should seize more airplanes and ships from England, America and France, so that they can transport all the worshipers of the world to Jerusalem for free. The logistics and accommodation are the responsibility of Hashd al-Shaabi and Kataib Hezbollah of Iraq. They must provide the road from Karbala to Jerusalem. And hospitality and financial support is with rich Iranians who are organized in the format (from Khorasan to Palestine). Therefore, all the people of the world are hereby invited to participate in this competition: here, it should be noted that all human beings are from the same parents. Therefore, small and big, even in the hearts of mothers, are invitations. The third stage is inter-religious: that is, Buddhists, Christians, Zoroastrians, Kilimists, etc., all can: in the form of their religious ceremonies, send a caravan. The measure is participation. And whoever sends more will lose his prize: Iran's leadership. And on that day, the devils will be imprisoned. And the world is adorned for God. And everyone will put their foreheads on the ground. A large congregational prayer will be formed for the first time. No one should miss out. Even if the enemies repent, they can come to pray. The fourth match is for rewards.