Trump should have died years ago. But the shortness of kilos and extras! It has caused him not only to be assassinated, but also to become a presidential candidate! so that he can have diplomatic immunity by voting. Therefore, this shortcoming must be compensated. As Salman Rushdie finally came to understand. Trump also with a fist! must be killed Because people can participate in his conferences as election supporters, and kill him with a fist. Of course, according to state law, he must be executed by electric chair. And according to Islamic law, he should be retaliated as an Amer. But the Mahin Empire suggests: to do this with bare hands (karate): karate or judo or wrestling is one of the ancient sports of Iranians. Since the Iranians did not need to attack other countries, they did not think about weapons of mass destruction. Usually, our enemies, from ancient Rome and Alexander the Great to the Mongols, Ottomans, and Americans, are looking for weapons of mass destruction. During the Ottoman period, Iranians lost many borders. Just because they considered the use of a gun cowardly. They went to the Ottoman artillery war with swords. Kurdistan and Azerbaijan even lost Tabriz. Like now, the religious fatwa is based on the prohibition of atomic bomb production. At that time, the scholars ruled that guns and artillery are forbidden. In ancient times, Iranians, especially great generals, such as Sorena and Ario Barzan, stood empty-handed in front of the Roman war machine. Because in Iranian defense techniques, you can kill someone with one finger! There are 9 points in the body that: if they hit it with a firm finger until it is pierced, the person will die. For example, under the larynx or under the sternum. Therefore, Basij of New York must also learn this method. And if the person is physically strong, his blow will definitely kill Trump. As Salman Rushdie came to an understanding with empty hands. If a person can put pressure on the stomach (sternum angle) under the pretext of shaking hands, Trump's old age and disability will make him understand quickly. Because by using a lot of hair color and chemicals, his body is not able to regenerate or repair again. Even if someone knows taekwondo or ketch wrestling and boxing, with a left or right hook, he will understand. If he doesn't know any technique, he should take Trump's little finger, and fold it back. All the power of Trump is taken. Only these movements should be done in one second. so the bodyguards can't: catch up to his speed. Of course, those who have weapons, or can buy them, can kill him from a distance. and leave no trace of themselves. The best time to shoot is in the election environment. But if they want to kill him at home. It should be at the minute of the morning call to prayer. Because in these minutes, the devil has mastered man: he takes him to a deep sleep. Therefore, all his bodyguards, if they are not asleep, are stiff and listless at this moment. Of course, there are simpler methods: for example, they put substances in his food, or they bomb his way. Or hug him with a suicide vest. In case of contact, they will be given training and facilities. Our artificial intelligence scientists are also investigating the way artificial intelligence works: so that if the Kiluis and Nokises do not want to do anything, a bullet will be fired at him through his mobile phone. However, this fate of Trump should be determined sooner, so that the world is relieved from the hands of criminal America, and become independent states. All those who participated in the war against Yemen should have a similar fate. For example, such measures should be taken for Charles and Macron. They should also pay heavy punishment. The mobilization of London and Paris is now tasked with eliminating these two, so that the world can see peace.