GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

The necessity of theorizing

Theorizing or theorizing: the Islamic revolution is something that has never been done before! We do not have an independent theory in any field. All of them are either completely western ideas, or they have been abolished, so to speak: an Islamic word is attached to it: for example, in crisis management, there is no think room, no thinking, no theorizing, only operations, that too late, incomplete and without fruit The reason for the lateness and fruitlessness of all work is as simple as this: like a traveler without a goal. No matter how hard he walks, it is useless. It takes its toll. but useless While Islam has the greatest source of theorizing, that is, the Qur'an. But Muslims, unfortunately, put other people's theories on the Qur'an. Therefore, they suffer from defects and mistakes in practice. For example, the Qur'an's theory about investment (individual, national, or global) is gratitude: The Qur'an says: (I am grateful to you) If you are grateful, I will give you tens of times the profit. And I increase it. Or in lending: He says who lends to God? How many times will he take it? (Man Zalzi, God willing..) But the government and the people are all going to China for investment! It is said that China has 800 trillion dollars in foreign exchange reserves. And he is willing to invest 5 billion dollars in South Khorasan for its mines. It is natural that China first shows up in the Green Garden to: plunder all the resources. Because his 800 trillion dollar foreign exchange reserve is the money of Iran's oil, which he has not paid. He has been the first importer of Iranian oil for 45 years, but he has not paid it for various reasons! Sometimes under the pretext of defending the JCPOA! Some time as an excuse: bank embargo. And he even said to other countries: Give me oil money, so that I can export goods to Iran! In Islamic theories: management begins with self-knowledge. But western theories are based on other sciences (psychology and sociology). That is, how to take the wealth of others. That is why they demand the highest salaries. A company that is still neither in debt nor in debt, all its received loans: the salary of the CEO and the bonus of the board of directors. Then he is unable to repay the debt. Banks also claim: their demands should be given. And in the end, 20,000 workshops have been closed! or confiscated and several thousand managers imprisoned and fugitives: for the crime of embezzlement! In history, the Islamic theory is the creation of Adam. But they say: this is a myth, then they go to Darwin's myths! And it is called history. where are they going O people who have gone to Hajj! Beloved is here, come, come. Even the theories of physics and chemistry are presented at the exact opposite point: the theories of Imam Sadiq (a.s.) or Imam Baqir. Is. or wave or movement and energy! It means they don't even know what they are saying. But they only know one principle as good: opposing Sharia and religion. While God placed the first seat of freedom of thought before the creation of mankind, they say that this is one of the principles of Western democracy. God created philosophy before Adam: and explained the nature and existence of Adam to the angels. and announced the purpose of creation. But they say: Philosophy is Plato! And logic was created by Aristotle. Therefore, they never tell the truth about the purpose of creation: and they drown people in sophistry. And according to the words of Imam Ali (AS): they are united in one thing: that they should not be united. Even the commentators of the Qur'an, their enthusiasm is to prove: Yes: Darwin's theory is confirmed in the Qur'an as well! But the difference between Darwin's theory and the Qur'an is that the first one said: God created. That is, God created them. But Darwin says: it happened like this according to accident or evolution. Therefore, Western scientific theories are only for eliminating God.

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