The history of Iran is full of murderers who rebelled against the single empire of Iran. But all of them have been suppressed: where is Alexander the Great? Roman Caesar! Omar Saad Arabi, the Tsar of Russia, and where is Genghis Khan the Mongol and Great Britain (Ai Zaki)? And today, proud Iran, with its great empire, is going to oppress the United States in turn. It has started: through diplomacy and soft repression: such as the protest against the actions of America in the Middle East, by the representative of Iran in the United Nations, and the active diplomacy of the foreign minister: in contact with Russia and China. And another, cutting off its military arms and legs: including Israel and its important bases in Iraq. Although he has 99% fans in America. They are also busy with their work. Today, the White House is a breeding ground for people of Iranian descent who may be apparently opposed, but are engaged in suppressing the ruling system, which is the Zionist lobby. Biden is from the race of Saladin Ayyubi, who, like a Trojan horse, has penetrated into the palace: and like Obama, he has set up Shab Cheleh, the Iranian Nowruz, to give the necessary signals. It even sends the weapons sent to Israel through Yemen to be delivered to the Yemenis. Of course, some of them are sent with Hopima, which is not far from the sharp eye of Hezbollah. Yemen is new, and Hezbollah has not yet received this signal. Vala would explode all those weapons in the air, or confiscate them safely at the foot of the plane. The Iranian Empire does not make weapons, but confiscates the enemy's weapons: like the UAV Empire! which began with the confiscation of an American drone. The Iranian Empire has never had an arsenal and its military budget is the lowest of all budgets. The strength of the Iranian empire is not in its weapons, but in its strong faith. He connects himself to the eternal source of divine power and drinks from this water. Wilayat al-Faqih is the connecting point of this supreme divine power. It should not be despised. And you see, in the war in Ukraine, despite the terrible weapons: America and the (former) Soviet Union, only Photoshop drones! It is Iran that determines the game. The enemy is not afraid of drones, but the heavy shadow of the power of the Iranian empire! As soon as the drone became Iranian, Ukraine claims that Iran is the superpower of the East! The drone gave, while it did not. America also shoots down some Russian drones: and proudly announces: these drones were Iranian! The great empire of Iran is so strong that America is no longer a number! It is alive only on paper and media. You can see that he leaves the malicious attacks on America to a small group in Gaza. Today, Yemen, Gaza, Hashd al-Shaabi of Iraq, even the Fatimino of Afghanistan have the upper hand against America. And they are just waiting for the order to take Israel out of trouble with another storm. Netanyahu can only say: Hezbollah underestimated us in the 33-day war! He still underestimates us. Netanyahu does not know that he was left alive, so that Hezbollah's arrow does not go astray. Because if he is killed, the arrows will go astray. For example, if Lapid or Olmert come, it is not clear: this current anti-Israel alliance will remain. Even if Netanyahu is assassinated, everyone thinks the fight is over. He is the face: that is, he is the target. so that all the arrows are thrown in one direction. And this is one of the tricks of the great empire. to encircle the enemy. And according to Sardar Bagheri: Israel's siege is getting tighter every day. And according to the supreme leader of the revolution: the economic siege should continue its work. The only way to save Netanyahu is to open the borders for pilgrims to Jerusalem to cross on foot. He should look inside himself: is he a Jew? Or a Zionist? If he is Jewish, he should cooperate with other religions. Judaism is a divine religion. And Moses gave good news to Jesus, and Jesus to Muhammad! So everyone (especially Gazans) has the right to visit Jerusalem