GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

The mosque is a utopia

Every thought has a utopia for itself. But all of them are out of reach and: assigned to a distant future and the end of history. It means that it is unattainable and, in other words, imaginary. Even the materialists and communists see the final commune at the end of history, that is, an ideal versus the real. But in Islam, Medina begins with the same word Tahleel (Qulu la ilaha ila Allah taflhawa). Tafahlwa means entering a utopia where a person can find all his desires. Therefore, we see that the Prophet, who was sent, turned his house into a utopia: Hazrat Khadijah, the first believing woman, and Hazrat Ali, the first believer, both prayed behind the head of the Messenger of God. They listened to his advice, and adjusted their behavior accordingly. For this reason, it is recommended even in your home to allocate a place for a prayer: or a mosque and a home altar. It means that the utopia in the houses also finds meaning. And maybe on the contrary, utopias are formed in the family. Everyone takes the utopia with them to the level of society by being educated in the family: at home it is not money that determines relationships, but love and friendship. Everyone eats whenever he is hungry and sleeps whenever he wants. or worships. But this is a secret or internal era. Because when the Prophet goes to Medina. First, he builds the mosque and names it the House of God. It means people's house! Homeless people live in this mosque (Safah Companions). The Prophet's house is also one of these marginal houses of the mosque. Most of them go to the mosque. Even the Prophet opens the way from his house to Ali's house. They eat their food in the mosque, worship in the mosque, and even buy and sell (endowments) and send the army. Madinah Fazlah has four official bodies: according to Imam Ali's letter to Malik Ashtar: financial affairs (tax collection), cultural affairs (immigration of the people), technical and civil affairs (building of Baladah), and political and military affairs (Jihad of enemies). These four bodies are derived from: There is a pillar of the throne. Therefore, a mosque should be: cultural, military, economic and civil affairs. and cover all neighborhood affairs. Because the meaning of utopia is that: man fulfills all his needs there: it is comprehensive and unobstructed. Therefore, it is suggested: instead of schools with three and four classes! The mosque should be used for education. Because education outside the mosque prevents children and young people from attending the mosque. The image is the separation of religion from science and politics. Mobilizations in non-mosque centers should join the mosque. The construction around the mosque should be based on the opinion of the mosque. Because the mosque should be higher than all the buildings. And their distance is circular: that is, points with the same distance from the mosque. And finally, to play a role in people's livelihood. For example, loan funds, rental shops, free feeding ceremonies. We all remember our memories with Imam Hussain, from Imam Hussain's ghee. This is the reason why, on all occasions, the order to sacrifice and divide it has been given. All sacrifices and feasts should be organized in the mosque: so that a meal is prepared every day. At first, you can start with tea and dates: after the end of each prayer, the worshipers are served with tea. And the affairs of the mosques should approve that: They give tea with dates. It does not cost much. But they were a stronghold and it helps to attract young people. Because there may be those whose budget is weak, and they lay on the bed hungry. Or they don't have the opportunity to buy dates. Vegetarian mosque in Tehran serves lunch two days a week. The homeless and the homeless, they all show up there. With this method, absolute poverty or food poverty can be eliminated. And the real poor are recognized and supported from the false poor.

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