GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Borrowers in prison

    I have been talking about the destruction of banks for years. Ever since the revolution, people didn't want banks and they set fire to cinemas and liquor stores. But some officials, especially the Mashhad circle, consider it impure, but they said: it should be cleaned. For example, they deleted the cinema! Banks were also baptized. But they don't know that: be a dog in the seven seas! When he became more dirty, Jesus' donkey was taken to Mecca. When he comes, he will still be a donkey! In order to prove that the banks are still worse than the past, one question: after fifty years of Islamization of the banks, why are the borrowers from the banks in prison, or have their properties confiscated, or are they on the run? This is a question that was asked by Mr. Mustatab Taj Aldini, and he was surprised. But the answer is only one word: because it is usury and haram. And the forbidden is also unblessed. Well, of course, the answer is Fanatik and Amal Mabaneh. But know that Amal is sincere to Umm al-Binin: in hijab and having children. You see, with these tricks, they tie the hands and feet of the officials: and make a mockery of Islam. Maybe you want to be a game intellectual: like Mr. Taj Aldini, ask me for statistics: he doesn't want statistics, I said all borrowers, so you should give statistics that: one person has taken a loan and is happy. However, this is the statistic: First, the government itself has the most bankrupt budget! Just because he was borrowing from the banking system! That is, the banks were showing in Bagh Sabz: until the government borrows, then it will forever owe interest, late payments and fines! they knew. Why didn't they give loans and currency to the army or the IRGC even during the war? Because they knew, there is no going back. And they cannot borrow and take over the army. But the government is in debt and all his properties have been confiscated (buying shares instead of repaying the debt). The government does not do anything without the permission of the banks: even Mr. Raisi, who changed the head of the central bank, was because he was against the interest rate increase. And Raisi Central Bank did the first thing: under the pretext of reducing inflation, it released the interest rate. And we saw that inflation is free! And their lies were revealed right away. Now, the biggest cost figures of the government budget are debt to banks and financial centers such as the stock market and insurance. That is, instead of banks, stock exchanges, and insurance being the helpers of the government, they are thinking of independence from the government. Second: more than two thousand production units were revived by: the 13th government: the problem of all of them was banking. The 13th government only pours water into the mills of the banks: that is, it takes a respite. Getting a deadline from the banks means increasing the debt and delaying the installments: and it means that the CEOs will be imprisoned! And the confiscation of all these factories. Because the bank is right! It doesn't pass by itself?// He has to take the interest, delay and fine. Presumably Mr. Raisi did not leave it now, it will come to their account later. Third, Shasta Corporation and pension funds: all in debt to the banks, and at risk of closure. Therefore, there are only companies in Iran that: First of all, they did not take loans from the banks: and they continue their work with halal money. Secondly, those who have taken loans, all because of the loan, are confiscated and are in the hands of the banks. This is why: retailers or manufacturers all operate underground: because if they get a license, they are recognized by insurance, if they take a loan, they are recognized by banks, and if they have significant activity, they are recognized by the stock exchange: And owed to Annie! They should sell their shares to: insurance or bank or stock market: and sing a farewell song: because the stock market, bank and insurance are the traps of the downtrodden Jews. They provide the world economy in the form of banks, insurance and stock exchange. Therefore, until the work of Israel is finished: the work of banks, insurance and the stock market will not be finished either: so finish the job for one person, we need it.

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